This presentation offers a look at a few key features of Qualys, the University Vulnerability Management tool, which should provide IT Pros with practical insights in how to not only effectively manage vulnerabilities on their assets, but also identify those vulnerabilities which impose the largest risk.
We’ll highlight common challenges faced in vulnerability management and discuss strategies and solutions for addressing them. Share insights into best practices for effective vulnerability management, including vulnerability assessment techniques, prioritization methods, and remediation strategies.
Presented by
Katie Lackermann, Technology Services; Steven Rodela, Technology Services
What you will learn
Participants will gain insights into the components of a vulnerability management program, encompassing its scope, objectives, and key stakeholders. They will identify common challenges in vulnerability management and explore strategies and solutions for addressing them, acquiring knowledge of best practices, such as assessment techniques, prioritization methods, and remediation strategies.
Software, Security, Data, and DevOps
Experience level:
- Zoom link
- Slide deck
Event Timeslots (1)
Day 1 Room D
Katie Lackermann, Technology Services; Steven Rodela, Technology Services