Tracking Accessibility: Four New Accessibility and UDL Certificates

This session will introduce four new CITL certificate programs focused on accessibility and UDL: Accessible Course Design, Accessible Document Design, Accessible Multimedia Design, and Foundations of UDL.

Presenters will discuss major topics covered in each of the tracks and the badging system underpinning them. There will be ample time set aside for Q & A.

Presented by

Marc Thompson, CITL; Lori Lane, CITL; Maude Yacapsin, CITL; Bob Dignan, CITL

What you will learn

Takeaways for participants include selected accessibility resources and an understanding of the topics covered in four new CITL certificate programs focused on accessibility and UDL.


Accessibility, Communication, Collaboration, and Training

Experience level:



Event Timeslots (1)

Day 1 Room C
Marc Thompson, CITL; Lori Lane, CITL; Maude Yacapsin, CITL; Bob Dignan, CITL