Need answers? Don’t know how to share it with your customers? Come see how the new University KnowledgeBase can add another piece to your support puzzle.
Tag: Susan Flanagin
Identity and Access Management – 2012 Fall
Tags: Sheheryar Muftee, Susan FlanaginIn this presentation we will give an overview of the upcoming SiteMinder go-live, address functionality changes to the end user, and discuss which applications are transitioning from Bluestem to SiteMinder.
Identity and Access Management – Spring 2012
Tags: Amin Kassem, Daryl Fritchey, Michael Keck, Sheheryar Muftee, Susan FlanaginThe IAM project is well underway. In this discussion we will provide updates related to planning and timelines, project phases/deliverables, relevant implementation topics, as well as ways you can be involved.
Executive CIO CRM Update
Tags: Mark Pollard, Susan FlanaginThe Executive CIO Office is looking at how to best deliver IT resources. As part of this effort, a Customer Relationship Management Team has been tasked to envision what an internal CRM organization would look like. This session is an update on the status of that team.
Building Relationships in a Rapidly Changing IT Environment
Tags: Mark Pollard, Phil Nyman, Susan Flanagin, Ted MyhreIn this session, the AITS and CITES Client Relationship Management (CRM) teams will provide an overview of how they have engaged with the IT Professionals community since the inception of the groups. They will engage the audience in a discussion on planned services and an evolving vision.
Changes in the Works–AITS Customer Relationship Management
Tags: Mark Pollard, Susan FlanaginAITS is implementing a Customer Relationship Management philosophy. Get an overview of the AITS vision and direction and see how the IT PRO survey helped draft that vision.
Talking about IT Communications: What We Can Learn from Each Other
Tags: Andrea van Proyen, Susan FlanaginAn opportunity for the IT community to engage in a conversation about how central and departmental IT support groups can work with IT communicators to develop materials (web pages, tutorials, handouts, etc) that can serve multiple groups and audiences. IT communicators from various organizations across campus will lead a discussion of what IT Pros feel […]