Professional development opportunities can help you shape your future career. Learn about the management and leadership development programs offered on campus through MGRdev and the IT Leadership Workshop (ITLW). Our panelists will help you understand the goals of these programs and the content offered. They will share the timelines for applying and the key points […]
Tag: Stephen Kemp
Desktop Support, Software Programmer, Server Admin, CIO: It’s All About Customer Services
Tags: Allison (Al) Payne, Danny Tang, Stephen KempIn our technology-driven world we often forget that HOW we provide service to the customer is often more important than simply providing the service itself. This interactive workshop will help you recognize why customer service skills are important to everyone, how you can set yourself up for successful customer interactions, and different ways to tackle […]
Campus-Wide Student Employee Training Program
Tags: Alex Breen, Candice Solomon-Strutz, David Ruby, Nathan Carpenter, Stephen KempStudent training is one of the most critical parts of utilizing student employees in IT. Multiple units and departments already have excellent training programs in place for student employees. During this session the panel will not only be sharing best practices and recommended methods for student training but looking to recruit volunteers to provide input […]