PaperCut Overview and Updates


We’ll discuss what the PaperCut service offers departments, the most common ways our units are using it now, and some of the billing options available. After the overview we’ll talk about some of the more unusual things happening with PaperCut, and new features available that we have not yet purchased but might be useful.

DevOps for the Shield Data Pipeline


To respond to the quickly changing data needs of the campus during the pandemic, the Shield Team adopted a DevOps approach to our data pipeline applications. These are some of the serverless and CI/CD approaches we used.

AWS CloudFront: Living on the Edge


Move your website out of the datacenter and to the edge! Learn about how CloudFront brings your content closer to your clients, reduces load on your servers, and gives you access to exciting security technologies. This presentation covers what CloudFront is, how to configure it for a basic web application, and some of the more […]

Scalable WordPress in AWS


A hands on workshop using terraform and AWS Elastic Beanstalk to deploy a PHP website. Participants will learn the basics of Infrastructure as Code using terraform, using terraform to create an AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment, and deploying a scalable WordPress site.

IlliniSpaces: Students Discovering You


There are many small and large locations on campus available for academic use that most students aren’t aware of. IlliniSpaces is a new application initially developed at the University of Washington that CITES is bringing to Illinois. We’d like to share some of the features and implementation details so that departments can come on board:_ […]