The Technology Services security team will provide visibility into some things we are watching for in Splunk, and demonstrate some ways we are leveraging Splunk SOAR automation to seamlessly respond to and resolve minor incidents. There will also be information on how other groups on campus may be able to use SOAR for similar use […]
Tag: Ryan Thomas
All Your Logs in one Analytics and Automation Platform: Splunk @ Illinois
Tags: David Lewis, Jim King, Ryan ThomasThis is a formal introduction and invitation to all IT professionals at Illinois to learn about Splunk as a service. We will present how Splunk fits into the overall security portfolio of the University, and present stories of current users and how they are using the service to get value from their own data. – Microsite Publishing
Tags: Anthony Benjamin, David Dashifen Kees, Mike Bohlmann, Ryan ThomasIdentified within the Immediate Needs team of Web@Illinois, a significant gap was identified in the capability of faculty, students and staff to publish web content about their research, their studies, their groups and more using on-campus resources. At Web@Illinois Working Day last December, a group of IT and web folks got together to discuss the […]
Administrative Processes and Roles: There’s Got To Be A Better Way
Tags: Dick Harris, Kris Williams, Michelle Rome, Ryan Thomas, Sally MikelThe presentation proposes we dramatically rethink how the institution approaches administrative processes — an approach that must emphasize addressing needs we have in common, and leverage shared solutions more effectively. IT pros are uniquely positioned to help the University embrace such a vision and change in culture. The panel will discuss the benefits and challenges […]
Community Source – What’s Happening in Our Neighborhood?
Tags: Adam VanDuyne, Gabe Gibson, Nyle Bolliger, Ryan Thomas, Stephanie DableDo you know what applications and reports your neighbors are developing? Would you like to leverage the collective expertise of units across the campus and share your great ideas for new applications? Stop by to learn about the Community Source efforts and to provide your feedback on what you would like to see happen in […]
Leveraging IT Governance and a PMO to Facilitate Success
Tags: Gabe Gibson, Kelly Block, Michele Raupp, Ryan ThomasJoin us to engage in discussion and share ideas regarding how IT governance techniques can be utilized to share expertise, encourage collaboration, enable decision-making, and leverage resources for shared benefits. The session also focuses using a Project/Portfolio Management Office to provide standards, tools, and assistance for managing projects.