Mobile Computing on Campus

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Last IT pro forum, our team presented its plan to improve mobile computing at the University of Illinois. This time around, we bring to you the results and progress in identifying those areas which will cause the greatest impact, obtained directly from students and staff. Some of the findings may surprise you!

Illinois Future Tech Report: What’s on the Teaching, Learning, and Research Horizon?

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Inspired by the New Media Consortia Horizon Report, this session will launch the brainstorming, sharing, and gathering of information for a spring 2014 release of the first ever Illinois Future Tech Report. If you have an interest in learning about and sharing what’s new and what’s coming in the way of technologies for teaching, learning, […]

Successes and Challenges of Tablets on Campus

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In 2011 CITES launched a Tablet Initiative devoted to exploring the teaching and learning potential of these devices. iPads were tested for classroom presentations, student group assignments, media production, and discipline-specific work. Early results confirm widespread enthusiasm and great potential across disciplines for teaching, research, and engagement. Next steps involve developing institutional procedures and policies […]