Contributors from across campus are beginning to shape a new mobile computing strategy ( Mona Heath will provide an update on progress so far, but most of the session will be devoted to brainstorming about what the strategy should include and ways people developing mobile apps and mobile-friendly websites can share expertise.
Tag: Mona Heath
From Idea to Implementation: Making Computer Labs Better for Students
Tags: Craig Jackson, Glenda Morgan, Kelly Bridgewater, Mona HeathThe session will show how a simple discussion about the state of campus computer labs spawned conversations, working groups and surveys that directly influenced a number of positive changes made to make campus computer labs better for students.
A Collaboration with Low Overhead and High Rewards
Tags: Jenn La Montagne, Judy Tolliver, Mona Heath, Phil Pochrzast, Sue Johnson, Tom MooneEleven volunteers from different units and different sides of Green Street came together to produce to showcase Illinois technological excellence to prospective students, faculty, funders, and donors. In doing so, they produced something that none could have accomplished alone. They’ll discuss what made their collaboration work, and invite attendees to consider implications for their […]