The Next Generation Data Analytics Architecture program will provide better capabilities for data integration, and sharing and collaborating with data. Join us for an update on the implementation of the Data Virtualization, Data Lake, and Data Movement tools and services.
Tag: Michael Wonderlich
Managing Permissions as a Tableau Project Leader
Tags: Jayesh Patel, Michael WonderlichTableau Server offers a Project Leader role which will allow units to manage the security permissions within their projects. This provides the option of managing sub-projects and individual workbooks. If a unit needs to manage permissions in greater detail than the standard permissions, then it is important to understand the effect of each permission. Mistakes […]
Tableau at the University of Illinois
Tags: Jayesh Patel, Michael WonderlichWe will review the services available related to Tableau and how to get started including an explanation of Tableau licensing. We will also provide information about new features in the most recent release of Tableau Server. Finally, we will have an open discussion about how Tableau is being used throughout the university. The participant’s discussion […]
Using Tableau at the University of Illinois
Tags: Jayesh Patel, Michael WonderlichJayesh and Mike will provide information and answer questions about the Tableau Server at the University of Illinois. Focus will be on individuals wishing to get started using Tableau. Additional information will be available for new features and assistance understanding Tableau’s licensing options.
Embedding Tableau Visualizations in Web Pages or Applications (1B)
Tags: Michael WonderlichMany units are creating Tableau visualizations they wish to include in a web page or application. Based on the requirements, there are two methods which may be used. This presentation will review the various scenarios for embedding Tableau visualizations and provide a guide to selecting the best method. Then we will demonstrate the steps to […]
BI Technologies at UI
Tags: Jennifer Selk, Michael Wonderlich, Ruth WietiesA poster session describing the various BI Technologies in use with AITS-Decision Support.
Collaborating for Better Decisions Through Business Intelligence
Tags: Aaron Walz, Michael WonderlichThis session will review the new Business Intelligence (BI) and Performance Management (PM) products and services from AITS-Decision Support. New BI products include OLAP cubes, which are a new way to analyze data for patterns and trends. Additional products include dashboards to provide easy-to-ready graphical presentations of data for quick understanding and instant assessment. Additional […]