Finding the Why.


Value streams and Wardley maps can be a powerful tool to help understand ‘The Why’. As we develop technology solutions we should understand ‘The Why’, and keep that in mind as we develop, deploy, and support our solutions. In this presentation we will explore what a Wardley map is, and why it is a powerful […]

Drawings, Models & Maps leveraging them to enhance understanding


Walking through the differences and strengths of drawings, models and maps, and showing some ways that they can be leveraged to improve communications and understanding between people. Pictures are said to be worth a thousand words, and often a picture can help people come to a deeper shared understanding more quickly. An entire spectrum of […]

Transforming data into an asset

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Data can be a valuable asset for any organization. There are challenges around harnessing the power of data and using it to help the organization fulfill its goals. As a university we have many diverse ways that data can be created and used. We will be discussing data, the hows and whys we should be […]

Data Ecosystem Birds of a Feather

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Companion to Transforming data into an asset. This is intended to provide a space for more discussion and engagement between community members on what a data ecosystem could and should look like at the university. If you are interested in data, and how the future data ecosystem at the university might help you do your […]