W3C and You: Get Involved!

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World Wide Web Consortium(W3C) has been the international web standards leader since 1994. As W3C member organization, University of Illinois has been actively contributing to web accessibility standards for the last two decades. Accessibility experts on campus will share their own working group member experience as well as how to utilize various W3C resources in […]

ARIA: What’s in a Name?

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ARIA, or Accessible Rich Internet Applications, can be an overwhelming topic at first. By learning some basics of the standard, as well as some rules and guidelines around its use, you may be able to vastly improve the accessibility of your site or web application. We’ll be discussing some of the basic tenets of ARIA […]

W3C ARIA Authoring Practices 1.2 for Developers and Evaluators

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The W3C ARIA Authoring practices are designed to help people understand how to create interactive accessible content for the web using the HTML5 and Accessible Rich Internet Application (ARIA) 1.2 standards to meet the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 requirements. Whether you are a developer trying to understand the keyboard requirements for creating […]

Exploring the Next Generation Web Accessibility Evaluation and Inspection Tools

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This birds-of-a-feather session will discuss the current use of web accessibility testing tools and evaluation techniques and explore the requirements and features of the next generation tools. The Accessible IT Group as Disability Resources Education Services (DRES) is starting to work on the next generation of browser-based web accessibility evaluation and inspection tools and we […]