Tag: Marc Carlton
Business Process Improvement Shared Service – Fall 2014
Tags: Amy Glenn, Marc CarltonThe poster will contain the following information: purpose of the Business Process Improvement (BPI) Shared Service; overview of the service offerings, including engagements, training and support; structure and composition of the team; examples of past and present projects. Handouts explaining the service offerings, outlining our upcoming training dates and providing examples of past and current […]
Business Process Improvement Shared Service
Tags: Amy Glenn, Kristi Moore, Marc CarltonThis poster will provide an overview of the Business Process Improvement (BPI) Shared Service. BPI team members will be on hand to discuss the service offering, training opportunities, and past and present projects.
WORKSHOP: Work Smarter, Not Harder: Identify and Eliminate Wasteful Activities
Tags: Amy Glenn, Marc CarltonJoin this interactive presentation! Participants will be taken through a simulation designed to expose wastes, learn a common language for identifying wastes, and discuss similarities between the simulation and their own work environment.
Business Process Improvement Shared Service – Spring 2012
Tags: Amy Glenn, Marc CarltonThis poster will provide an overview of the Business Process Improvement (BPI) Shared Service, offered through the Office of the Executive CIO. It will provide an opportunity to talk with members of the BPI team about the benefits of business process analysis and improvement, our current project engagements, successfully completed projects and training opportunities offered.
Value Added: How all work is a process
Tags: Marc Carlton, Michele Raupp, Nick RiordanAll work is a process. This interactive session will introduce Process Management concepts and tools through everyday examples. Participants will come away with a better understanding of how to make their processes more effective and efficient, and why technology isn’t always the answer. An introduction to the Portfolio and Process Management Office will also be […]
Integration Competency Center – Providing Efficient and Effective Access to Enterprise Data
Tags: Marc Carlton, Suzanne ZelleThe Integration Competency Center (ICC) provides assistance to University IT organizations and project teams seeking to integrate their systems with one of the many University Enterprise Data Systems (i.e. Banner, EAS, etc.). ICC can provide assistance with design, development, coordination and testing of integrations. This presentation will provide an overview of the ICC and what […]