Making Space Count: The Future of Learning at Illinois


This session will look at ways our campus is talking about learning spaces for our students and how our thinking compares to what our peers are doing. The presenter(s) will share examples from Illinois and other Big Ten schools and discuss how educators, administrators, space planners and students are working together to build learning spaces […]

Lessons from an Informal Group on Learning Spaces


This presentation discusses lessons learned over the past year by a community focused on improving learning spaces across the campus. From navigating standard-changing designs to understanding how faculty engagement is key to successful learning space design, this group has moved a successful networking opportunity into a successful working opportunity. Students are the winners when changes […]

A Community Perspective On The Evolution Of Learning Technologies at Illinois

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This presentation provides insight into how our campus has negotiated the last ten years of rapid change in learning technologies, both in technology standards and as a mission critical part of teaching and learning today. The presenters, who are leaders in the field of educational technologies and represent multiple disciplines on campus, also discuss vision […]

Educational Technologists Forum

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Educational Technologists Forum was founded in 2007 as a grassroots community to bring together professionals who are involved in the development, design and delivery of educational materials enhanced with technology. We help establish connections, exchange information relevant to our work and interests, and contribute to the advancement of excellence in teaching and learning with technology.