Overview of the current state of Cloud Platform services from Technology Services
Tag: Kevin Bird
Microsoft Azure Services at Illinois
Tags: Josh Mickle, Kevin BirdStatus of Azure cloud computing services at Illinois and information on training opportunities.
Azure Services at the University of Illinois (1A)
Tags: Kevin BirdLearn about the status and availability of Azure Services at the University.
Azure Services at the University of Illinois
Tags: Kevin BirdLearn about the status and availability of Azure Services at the University.
What’s new with Unified Communications
Tags: Josh Mickle, Kevin BirdPoster session concerning upcoming information on Unified Communications
Lync 2010 Infrastructure
Tags: Brent Tuggle, Devin Gengelbach, Kevin Bird, Tom DawsonLync is one of the platforms that comprises Unified Communications. We’ll take a look at the back-end architecture as well as the available clients and features that make up Lync. Through demonstrations and a discussion with experts you will have a better understanding of how Lync will work in on the Urbana campus.