Redesigning the Student Digital Experience

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Students interact with and through technology throughout their academic and personal lives often utilizing dozens of systems and technologies daily. Often this digital experience is organized around functions, coursework, transactions, departments, and systems. Join this facilitated discussion focusing on how these digital touchpoints could be redesigned around the student, maximizing their efficiency and benefits to […]

Business Process Improvement Shared Service – Fall 2016

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The poster will contain the following information: purpose of the Business Process Improvement (BPI) Shared Service; overview of the service offerings, including engagements, training and support; structure and composition of the team; examples of past and present projects. Handouts explaining the service offerings, outlining our upcoming training dates and providing examples of past and current […]

AR&R Implementation Progress


This presentation poster will provide information on the various IT-related components of the Administrative Restructuring & Review (AR&R) effort and current progress on those initiatives. The purpose will be to inform attendees of the different efforts underway across the University.