Students interact with and through technology throughout their academic and personal lives often utilizing dozens of systems and technologies daily. Often this digital experience is organized around functions, coursework, transactions, departments, and systems. Join this facilitated discussion focusing on how these digital touchpoints could be redesigned around the student, maximizing their efficiency and benefits to […]
Tag: Kelly Block
Business Process Improvement Shared Service – Fall 2016
Tags: Amanda Bland, Kelly BlockThe poster will contain the following information: purpose of the Business Process Improvement (BPI) Shared Service; overview of the service offerings, including engagements, training and support; structure and composition of the team; examples of past and present projects. Handouts explaining the service offerings, outlining our upcoming training dates and providing examples of past and current […]
Tricks of the Trade for Project Management
Tags: Brad Neavear, Christina Vann, Gary Bernstein, Kandace Turner, Kelly Block, Noni LedfordThis two-hour group-based course will uncover some of the secret tricks of project managers. You will gain insight into common challenges project managers face during each phase of the project and effective countermeasures. Participants will also work together to develop a top 10 ‘must do’ list of activities for managing projects at the edge.
Move from BS to MS with an MIS from UIS
Tags: David Gerstenecker, Dr. Rassule Hadidi, Gabe Gibson, Kelly Block, Tim NewcombLearn from colleagues that are obtaining (or have obtained) a Masters degree in Management Information Systems (MIS) from the UIS online program. Presenters will discuss their experiences and provide guidance from lessons learned going through the program.
AR&R Implementation Progress
Tags: Kelly BlockThis presentation poster will provide information on the various IT-related components of the Administrative Restructuring & Review (AR&R) effort and current progress on those initiatives. The purpose will be to inform attendees of the different efforts underway across the University.
Leveraging IT Governance and a PMO to Facilitate Success
Tags: Gabe Gibson, Kelly Block, Michele Raupp, Ryan ThomasJoin us to engage in discussion and share ideas regarding how IT governance techniques can be utilized to share expertise, encourage collaboration, enable decision-making, and leverage resources for shared benefits. The session also focuses using a Project/Portfolio Management Office to provide standards, tools, and assistance for managing projects.