Automating AD Audits: Regular Review to Avoid Serious Scouring


An overview of Engineering IT’s automated Active Directory audit framework. We use narrowly focused scripts that automatically run on a regular schedule and create tickets pre-assigned to the correct staff of any clean-up needed. This keeps the workload in small timely chunks, the AD more accurate and secure, review actually happens regularly, and it requires […]

Engineering IT’s Mentoring: From Green to Gold


EngrIT User Services mentoring program has been connecting and developing staff for over 3 years, pairing senior and new staff in a recurring rotation. It has undergone a formal review and significant expansion. I’ll take you on a tour of the objectives, topics, and logistics, as well as the struggles, lessons learned, and growing pains.

AD Migration the Engineering IT Way


The end of (UIUC) AD is coming…you’ll feel fine (in UofI). How to build an AD OU structure you want to live in for the next 10 years—and then move in.Tips, tricks, suggestions, and pitfalls from a department that has been heavily in UofI for 2 years.

Mentoring: Changing Red Shirts to Blue

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Engineering IT’s User Services division has implemented a mentoring program that paired senior IT professionals with junior IT professionals in an effort to pass along the soft skills and ‘tricks of the trade’ that only experience can provide. Find out how it’s going, and see if this could help your crew cut down on away […]

College of Engineering AD Migration

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IT Professionals from Engineering discuss their efforts to migrate to the new campus Active Directory. This session will cover our new OU design and structure as well as the project plan for AD migration and lessons learned from actual implementation.