Students can study what they are passionate about and find rewarding careers no matter their major. The College of LAS at Illinois has established a partnership between our Humanities Professional Resource Center and College IT support (ATLAS) unit to help students explore career options through internships. In this session learn how your organization can be […]
Tag: Julia Hart
How Can I Help You?
Tags: Anya Kanevskaya, Jen Anderson, Julia Hart, Julia Hartman, Lindsey SharpSo much of the technical and e-learning support on this campus is in the hands of our students. Hiring, on-boarding, and providing continual motivation to student workers is a wholly different ballgame exercise in working with full-time staff. Our presenters will share with you how they have successfully created cultures of helpfulness within their student-staffed […]
ATLAS Internship Program: Higher Ed Meets Vo-Tech
Tags: Hannah Jones, Julia Hart, Julia Hartman, Michelle RomeWhile technology and the Humanities are not always seen as something that go hand in hand, companies like Google and Microsoft have stated that in high-tech environments soft skills have more importance than a computer science degree. The future leaders of tech are Humanities majors with great communication skills, public speaking prowess, and fantastic team-building […]
From Backyard BBQ to Taste of Champaign
Tags: Julia Hart, Tom KunkaThis session focuses on finding the right level of collaboration, knowing when to take your backyard conversation and turn it into something more. From understanding the roots of a collaborative community to sharing how to get involved, this session provides insight into successful collaborations. It is based on an article co-authored by the speakers,’Just Show […]
Toward an Information and Data Governance Program at the University
Tags: Charles Gibson, Dimuthu Tilakaratne, Julia Hart, Richard (Rich) GeggThe presentation will be a panel discussion by members of the Data Solutions Group committee of the Data Council and others who are working toward an information and data governance strategy across the University. The discussion will cover basic concepts, organizational value, best practices, current efforts and a vision for what could be accomplished at […]
Data Solutions Group
Tags: Julia HartThe Data Solutions Group poster session will provide an overview of the vision of this group, efforts that are currently underway, as well as explain how you can get involved in this collaborative effort.
SharePoint Shared Service – Fall 2012
Tags: Julia Hart, Thomas KunkaThe goal of the SharePoint Shared Service is to improve communication and collaboration between the campuses and to reduce costs. This poster will explain how the shared service works and how SharePoint may benefit your unit or department.
Conserving Energy by Managing University Administration PCs
Tags: Joe DeBarr, Julia HartA power management project has been implemented for all AITS-supported computers. The goal is to reduce energy use and costs with no negative impact to the user. As a result of the implementation of the power management plan, there have been significant energy and cost savings. This poster session will focus on implementation details, results, […]
SharePoint 2010: A Shared Service
Tags: Julia HartThis session will provide an overview of SharePoint 2010, along with current campus examples of how SharePoint is being used as a business solution. This overview will lead into an explanation of the SharePoint Shared Services project _ defining the service, stating project goals and objectives, and discussing how this shared service collaborative can benefit […]