LAS 100,101,102,122,399 enroll thousands of freshman and transfer students staffed by over 100 interns, TAs, and instructors. We’ll show how we used the Canvas API to address problems of scale: putting students into groups, adjusting enrollment settings per student, finding enrollment errors, setting assignment due dates.
Tag: Jim Witte
# ./
Tags: Jim Witte, Patryk SzutaInfrastructure as Code (IaC) is an evolving philosophy of managing IT infrastructure in a structured and reproducible way. Join Math IT and ATLAS as we share our approach, successes, and failures in refactoring our environment through the lens of IaC. Specific examples will focus on Ansible.
Serving A Growing Customer Support Need
Tags: Jim Witte, Pamela WilliamsThe ATLAS Moodle service includes consulting, live-online help, a ticket system, workshops/trainings, drop-in office hours, and an online help website featuring articles on common questions. Our customer service model and approaches have changed over time as our user community has grown dramatically over the years. We will discuss our various methods and the challenges they […]
A Community Perspective On The Evolution Of Learning Technologies at Illinois
Tags: Jim Witte, Konstantinos Yfantis, Leslie Hammersmith, Norma ScagnoliThis presentation provides insight into how our campus has negotiated the last ten years of rapid change in learning technologies, both in technology standards and as a mission critical part of teaching and learning today. The presenters, who are leaders in the field of educational technologies and represent multiple disciplines on campus, also discuss vision […]
Feeding the Loop: The LAS Online Continuous Improvement Process
Tags: Jim Witte, Pamela Williams, Quentin Lawphu, Tanja HodgesThis presentation describes the process by which ATLAS TLT conducts course evaluations and uses the results to inform future course development efforts.
LAS Online: Reinventing the Academic Enterprise
Tags: Deanna Raineri, Jim WitteHow does online make sense for a residential institution like the U of I? Hear about the challenges and opportunities we’ve faced as the ATLAS has developed and carried out strategic initiatives to support changes in how teaching & learning is done in LAS.