The recent upgrade of Business Intelligence has provided new functionality in reports and data visualization. Also, the recent announcement of Tableau Server provides even more data visualization options. This poster session is an opportunity for people to learn more about these technologies available to everyone.
Tag: Jennifer Selk
Leading From Anywhere – ITLP/ITLW – The Leadership Revolution
Tags: Alice Jones, Allen Randall, Barry White, Brian Damm, Cheryl Murphy, Craig Jackson, Gus Aldaba, James Quisenberry, Jennifer Selk, Kathy Lyons, Kim Nguyen-Jahiel, Lee Katman, Mike Lund, Rich ChuaIn this panel interactive discussion, graduates and current participants of the University of Illinois IT Leadership Program (ITLP) will provide an overview of the ITLP and ITLW programs and engage the audience in a set of introductory topics essential for engaging in positive relationships with others: active listening, giving and accepting feedback, and presence.
Webi: the future
Tags: Alison Campbell, Colleen Miller, Jennifer Selk, Trish CurryThis session will introduce participants to the Business Objects XI4.1 multi-phased upgrade project. The current phase of the project transitions users from using Desktop Intelligence (Deski) to Web Intelligence (Webi) as the primary reporting tool at the University of Illinois. Session topics include: the project timeline, the impact of the upgrade on BO users, and […]
BI Technologies at UI
Tags: Jennifer Selk, Michael Wonderlich, Ruth WietiesA poster session describing the various BI Technologies in use with AITS-Decision Support.