In 2017, the Library presented on plans for the Medusa Digital Repository (Turning Data to Stone). Four years later, we have built the Illinois Data Bank, the Digital Library, and the Medusa Collection Registry on AWS. We plan to add the IDEALS repository in Fall 2021, as a shared service among the 92 CARLI academic […]
Tag: Jason Strutz
Cloud Advisory survey results – obstacles to cloud adoption
Tags: Jason Strutz, Josh HenryThe Cloud Advisory Subcommittee, working with a Gies Action Learning Team, distributed a survey on obstacles to cloud adoption in spring 2021. This session will present the results.
The Medusa Repository – Turning Data into Stone
Tags: Jason StrutzOver the last several years, the University Library has been developing a large-scale digital repository. The Medusa system consists of the architecture needed for digital preservation, viewing digital content, and the Illinois Data Bank. In the next 18 months, we plan to migrate the infrastructure from a series of virtual servers at Tech Services with […]
Library Virtualization: A Success Story
Tags: Brent Tuggle, Jason Strutz, Tom GrissomBetween 2011 and 2015, the Library spent approximately $750,000 on storage and virtual server infrastructure. We will review the path from supporting three server rooms independently, to partnering with Technology Services for reduced cost and increased system administrator free time. Working through the timeline, we will outline the intended and unintended consequences, lessons learned, and […]
Influencing Skills and Their Role in Leadership
Tags: Candice Solomon-Strutz, Jackie Kern, James Quisenberry, Jason StrutzAn important skill for leaders is their ability to bring ideas to different stakeholders and build support. This 2-hour workshop will help you understand some of your skills with influencing others and illustrate why those skills are valuable. We’ll discuss which influence skills are effective, and which aren’t, in our workplace culture. Participation in this […]
Data Center Shared Service (DCSS) – Fall 2015
Tags: Jason StrutzData Center Shared Service (DCSS) is a campus initiative to consolidate campus server rooms and data centers into high-quality shared data center facilities. Through use of shared data centers, the campus can provide higher-quality facilities while reducing overall costs. Please stop by our poster table to ask questions about our service. We have many units […]
Case Study: The Library and Data Center Shared Services
Tags: Jason StrutzIn 2012, the Library began a project to consolidate its three server rooms into shared data center space. We will discuss the motivation for undertaking this project, the technical and strategic hurdles that had to be overcome, and the benefits realized so far.
Team Spock & Uhura: Working Together Effectively
Tags: Candice Solomon-Strutz, Jason StrutzSpock and Uhura’s relationship on the starship is often debated but when we whittle it down they work well as a team. This session is designed for IT Professionals that serve and work on multiple teams and committees across campus interested in learning and sharing best practices for working in a team environment. 🙂
Workshop: Exercising Influence in the Workplace
Tags: Charley Kline, Jackie Kern, James Quisenberry, Jason StrutzAn important skill for leaders is their ability to bring ideas to stakeholders and build support. This workshop will help you understand your skills with influencing others and illustrate why those skills are valuable. Participants will receive a questionnaire and asked to complete it during the first session; questionnaire results and what they can mean […]