An important skill for leaders is their ability to bring ideas to different stakeholders and build support. This 2-hour workshop will help you understand some of your skills with influencing others and illustrate why those skills are valuable. We’ll discuss which influence skills are effective, and which aren’t, in our workplace culture. Participation in this […]
Tag: Jackie Kern
Data Center Shared Service (DCSS) – Fall 2014
Tags: Becky McNaught, Jackie KernEncourage engagement in the data center shared service effort across campus._We will be available to answer any questions about DCSS and the services we offer. This will allow us to socialize the campus effort that is called out in the campus IT strategic plan.
Data Center Shared Services
Tags: Jackie KernDCSS would like to discuss the services offered, opportunities for campus, and many other elements. We will touch on topics like the new website, streamlining entry into DCSS space, incentive programs, and additional collaborative opportunities. As part of our new incentive program we will be discussing training opportunities offered to current and future clients of […]
Workshop: Exercising Influence in the Workplace
Tags: Charley Kline, Jackie Kern, James Quisenberry, Jason StrutzAn important skill for leaders is their ability to bring ideas to stakeholders and build support. This workshop will help you understand your skills with influencing others and illustrate why those skills are valuable. Participants will receive a questionnaire and asked to complete it during the first session; questionnaire results and what they can mean […]