This session will highlight the new facilities and services offered by the Media Commons in the Undergraduate Library, including those planned for the future, and the lessons learned from our collaboration.
Tag: Glenda Morgan
From Idea to Implementation: Making Computer Labs Better for Students
Tags: Craig Jackson, Glenda Morgan, Kelly Bridgewater, Mona HeathThe session will show how a simple discussion about the state of campus computer labs spawned conversations, working groups and surveys that directly influenced a number of positive changes made to make campus computer labs better for students.
eText: Expanding a Locally Developed, Proven Online Textbook Service
Tags: Glenda Morgan, John TubbsA variety of factors are applying pressure to reduce the cost burden of textbooks on students. In response the College of ACES has built eText, a delivery system for locally created digital textbooks used by over 1500 students. This session will highlight the successful development and implementation of eText and asks questions of how to […]
Making Decisions About the Future of Learning Environments at Illinois
Tags: Glenda MorganIn the presentation we describe the process underway to gather input into and to make decisions about the future of learning environments at Illinois. these include but are not limited to Learning Management Systems such as Compass, Moodle and Lon-CAPA. We describe the process and seek additional IT Pro input on both the process and […]