Agile State of Mind

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Software development at what used to be CITES and is now Technology Services was difficult because the expectation was that waterfall style development was the only way to get work done correctly. But projects were running long and team members grew more frustrated with the process due to a lack of communication and pivoting the […]

Transform Your Authorization Policies

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Authorization Manager (AuthMan) is finally here! Powered by Grouper, we will review basic group management techniques, walk through establishing authorization policies, and also cover how these policies can be consumed and enforced by your service or application. Bring your laptop, and your current service authorization decisions and we can guide you on how to leverage […]

How to Herd Cats – Managing Affiliate Identities (1C)

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Is your unit or department struggling with identity and access management for your affiliate users? Managing accounts and access for non-traditional users can be cumbersome, and requesting UINs and netIDs to access resources requires going through numerous channels. Managing these accounts after a sponsor has left and transferring ownership without an audit trail is an […]

Identities and Authorization: a Sneak Preview of Urbana’s IAM Roadmap

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Learn what’s coming soon in the world of Identities and Authorization. We will cover the lifecycle of Urbana student identities, from admission to graduation, including how identities are created and activated, how students establish credentials, and how/when the defined affiliations and roles are established and removed. Following will be an authorization roadmap, revealing plans for […]