Come join us for a peek inside the Cybersecurity team’s activities over the last year. We will discuss some adventures we took, interesting cybersecurity incidents, updates to campus tools, and a bit on plans for the next year that cover the full gamut of our offerings. Join us while we reminisce about the past year, […]
Tag: Edward Delaporte
Unlocking the future: Identifying, paying, and avoiding technical debt
Tags: Carl Stephens, Edward Delaporte, Glen ShereTechnical debt awareness is an essential aspect of all information technology work. We cover the sources of technical debt, how to pay the debt, how to avoid the debt, and strategies to minimize these costs to the University.
Mobile Integration Testing with Robot Framework
Tags: Edward Delaporte, Michelle Pitcel, Priya RaviRobot Framework is an open-source framework that is utilized for automation and testing with applications. Robot Framework is a versatile framework that uses human-readable language to enable easier utilization of built-in keywords, and simpler execution of keyword libraries. The Appium Library is one such Keyword Library utilized in the Robot Framework script. The Appium Desktop […]
Putting the Security in SecDevOps
Tags: David Riddle, Edward Delaporte, Michelle Pitcel, Zachary CarringtonWe will walk through a high level overview of the ways a DevOps pipeline can make your work day better and while making your products secure – even if the product is from a vendor!
Mjolnir and Stormbreaker: Configuration Management Applied
Tags: Edward Delaporte, Joanna DelaporteThis will be a birds of a feather round-table format in small groups, guided to discuss challenging topics related to configuration management. Bring your difficult challenges and knowledge to share. Topics discussed will include undoing configuration mistakes, deploying to the cloud, auditing, securing stuff, managing inventories, ticketing, monitoring, processes for change, disaster recovery.
Wks5 – Advanced Git
Tags: Dena Strong, Edward Delaporte, Maxim BelkinFor those who are already familiar with the basics of Git and would like to explore more advanced uses and real world collaboration methods, Maxim and Ed go beyond the basics in order to explore the power of collaborative version control. Branching, rebasing, checkout, and other Git tools help you find the version you want […]
Wks4 – Introduction to Git
Tags: Dena Strong, Edward Delaporte, Maxim BelkinFor those who’ve wondered about Git and GitHub, but haven’t had the opportunity to work with it, campus Software Carpentry instructors will provide guided hands-on experience. You’ll learn how Git-style version control works, how to get started, the differences between adds and commits, the differences between pushes and pulls, what a pull request is good […]
Rescue Bots – Undoing Mistakes Using Git
Tags: Edward Delaporte, Steve BarkerA hands on workshop covering various scenarios using Git version control.
Introduction to Git
Tags: Dena Strong, Edward Delaporte, Maxim BelkinFor those who’ve wondered about Git and GitHub, but haven’t had the opportunity to work with it, campus Software Carpentry instructors will provide guided hands-on experience. You’ll learn how Git-style version control works, how to get started, the differences between adds and commits, the differences between pushes and pulls, what a pull request is good […]
How to use CPanel and PIE to Build Your Website
Tags: Edward Delaporte, Sarah HolmesWe will cover how to build your website using CPanel or Pie. Session Information: Hour 1: Build Your Website Using CPanel and PIE Hour 2: How to Design Your Website and Create Website Content Geared Towards Your Target Market Hour 3: Keep Hackers Out! Securing Your Website and Q&A