Our current LMS, Compass2g/Blackboard will be retired by June 30, 2022. A new system, Canvas, used by 12 (now 13) of the 15 schools in the Big Ten Academic Alliance is being deployed for use in Fall 2021. The project is a combined effort between Technology Services, CITL, and the colleges. The Canvas environment will […]
Tag: Drew MacGregor
Canvas Pilot at Illinois
Tags: Drew MacGregor, Rick HazlewoodWhat does the future hold for Learning Management Systems at Illinois? In the Fall of 2019 the campus will conduct a limited pilot with Canvas, a Learning Management System used by many of our peers. The pilot will involve multiple units and colleges working together to determine if Canvas is the path forward, or if […]
Kaltura Update, Captioning, and Automated Lecture Capture
Tags: Alan Bilansky, Andrew Wadsworth, Drew MacGregorThe Kaltura Media Engine, on campus for 3 years, has seen steadily increasing adoption and use. In spring and fall of AY1617 the system delivered 152,653 hours of media, a 132% increase over the previous year. This session will introduce you to new features added in the last year, including captioning via Automatic Speech Recognition […]
Classroom AV and Support Open Discussion
Tags: Drew MacGregor, Tracy WhittakerThis session will be an open discussion forum related to AV standards and classroom support. Technology Services seeks feedback on standard AV packages and a model of better supporting ALL campus learning spaces. We NEED your input and feedback. We also want to hear how you are doing things and hear your ideas. We can […]
AV Classroom Support
Tags: Drew MacGregor, Tracy WhittakerOur campus has 300 general assignment classrooms and almost 300 departmental spaces with Audio Visual equipment. The old models of design and user support are no longer sustainable and we need a new, more flexible set of standards. Come to this session and hear an AV vision; offer feedback; and see how you can join […]
Kaltura Media Engine for Campus, An Update
Tags: Drew MacGregorThe Kaltura Media Engine, on campus for 2 years now, has seen steadily increasing adoption and use. In Fall 2015 and Spring 2016, it delivered 433,000 plays with 66,000 hours of viewing. Come see how you can support your unit with Kaltura. Come and eat cookies and cake with us too! (*Attendees must bring their […]
Kaltura in Action in FAA
Tags: Drew MacGregor, Scott Wennerdahl12 months ago Technology Services began the rollout of the Kaltura media engine. One of the early adopters, FAA Education Support Services, has adapted the resource for use in classes large and small. Come to this session to learn about the Kaltura toolset, how FAA has used it, and how your unit can benefit from […]
Kaltura: It’s Here Now, No Really It Is
Tags: Drew MacGregor, John Tubbs“Not these guys again!? They’ve been selling a vision for a media engine for 3 years.” Yes, we have! But now we’re here to SHOW you what will roll out to campus in the next 12 months and how it will impact you. Come and see what your user base will be asking you about […]
Overnight Sensation: Enterprise Media Solution Ten Years in the Making
Tags: Drew MacGregor, John TubbsCIO Hixson issued the ‘Make It So’ command to the Center for Multimedia Excellence almost two years ago. The result was a white paper based on ten years of discussion by media professionals. That vision has led to a campus media service and an RFP for a digital media solution that provides for all users […]
Providing better user support through collaboration
Tags: Drew MacGregor, Eric KurtIn the last few years the campus has reframed how we collaborate and work together. An example of this new model of collaboration is the partnership at the Media Commons between CITES and the Library. By putting the user first we are providing high level expertise and technology to faculty and students in new ways.