Why do some services and apps become an inseparable part of people’s lives while others are largely ignored? Is a good communications campaign all that it takes to drive culture change amongst a user base? As technology constantly evolves, part of an IT team’s job is to help people adopt and accept changes whether that […]
Tag: Brian Mertz
Panel Discussion – Powering Your Creations: IT Power Plant
Tags: Bobbi Hardy, Brent Tuggle, Brian Mertz, Chris Kuehn, Jeremy W. Jones, Jim Dohle, Michael Chan, Sandra Thompson, Tina OlszewskiServices abound on campus. How does your pieces fit into the IT Power Plant? What is going on across campus to ensure that Everything is Awesome? Come learn, listen to, and ask questions of the IT Power Plant Solution Development Team to find out what is new and what is next.
A Kragle By Any Other Name Is Just Krazy Glue – Renaming CITES to Technology Services
Tags: Brian MertzWhat is it like to change a name that has been used across campus for more than a decade? Hear the challenges and the benefits of changing the name CITES to Technology Services. Learn the names and words that IT pros use that create customer confusion. And build up a vocabulary that will help you […]
Identity and Access Management (IAM) – It’s really coming!
Tags: Brian Mertz, Mark PollardThe One ID and Password (OIDPW) phase of the Identity and Access Management (IAM) is now scheduled to go-live on the Urbana campus in October of 2015. Come learn what’s going live, what you need to do to prepare and see a demo of the product.
Talking IT to Non-Technical Audiences
Tags: Brian MertzIT Pros frequently must explain technical topics to non-technical people. Whether announcing maintenance, training customers, or marketing services, there are ways to make technology more understandable. CITES CCO Brian Mertz will share strategies and techniques to communicate technical topics to non-technical audiences. Participants are invited to bring technical topics or projects that they would like […]
Identity and Access Management (IAM) Update Spring 2014
Tags: Brian Mertz, Mark PollardThe IAM project implements a set of business processes and supporting infrastructure for the creation, maintenance and use of digital identities at the University of Illinois. Come learn about the updated schedule and how IAM will impact you and your organization.
Hello, Computer: Creating a campus knowledge base service
Tags: Brian MertzNeed the formula for transparent aluminum? How about just instructions for setting up email or Lync? Come learn about the new campus-wide, higher-ed-developed, easy-to-use, collaborative, public-facing knowledge base that will soon be the home for AITS and CITES knowledge — and it could house your department’s knowledge too!