Creating Change that Sticks


Why do some services and apps become an inseparable part of people’s lives while others are largely ignored? Is a good communications campaign all that it takes to drive culture change amongst a user base? As technology constantly evolves, part of an IT team’s job is to help people adopt and accept changes whether that […]

Talking IT to Non-Technical Audiences


IT Pros frequently must explain technical topics to non-technical people. Whether announcing maintenance, training customers, or marketing services, there are ways to make technology more understandable. CITES CCO Brian Mertz will share strategies and techniques to communicate technical topics to non-technical audiences. Participants are invited to bring technical topics or projects that they would like […]

Hello, Computer: Creating a campus knowledge base service


Need the formula for transparent aluminum? How about just instructions for setting up email or Lync? Come learn about the new campus-wide, higher-ed-developed, easy-to-use, collaborative, public-facing knowledge base that will soon be the home for AITS and CITES knowledge — and it could house your department’s knowledge too!