Preparing for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect — Associate exam? We’ll run through the exam topics, discuss the most important aspects of each, and answer questions. This session is targeted toward individuals who have already studied and are planning to certify.
Tag: Brent Tuggle
AWS Strategies for Understanding and Controlling Costs
Tags: Brent TuggleAmazon Web Services makes it easier than ever to deploy IT infrastructure and provide IT services at the click of a button. How can we ensure we know what we’re running and what it costs? Can we automatically monitor spending? How can we identify what changed? In this session we’ll answer these questions and share […]
Library Virtualization: A Success Story
Tags: Brent Tuggle, Jason Strutz, Tom GrissomBetween 2011 and 2015, the Library spent approximately $750,000 on storage and virtual server infrastructure. We will review the path from supporting three server rooms independently, to partnering with Technology Services for reduced cost and increased system administrator free time. Working through the timeline, we will outline the intended and unintended consequences, lessons learned, and […]
Panel Discussion – Powering Your Creations: IT Power Plant
Tags: Bobbi Hardy, Brent Tuggle, Brian Mertz, Chris Kuehn, Jeremy W. Jones, Jim Dohle, Michael Chan, Sandra Thompson, Tina OlszewskiServices abound on campus. How does your pieces fit into the IT Power Plant? What is going on across campus to ensure that Everything is Awesome? Come learn, listen to, and ask questions of the IT Power Plant Solution Development Team to find out what is new and what is next.
The Master Builder’s New Toolbox
Tags: Brent TuggleTo work efficiently and at scale in the clouds, IT Pro’s need an entirely new toolbox. Tools like Software Defined ‘Anything’, Dev/Ops methods, automation, and containers are only a few of the tools/concepts I’ll touch on. Come learn about what tools you should be putting into YOUR toolbox to become a Master Builder in the […]
State/Future of Technology Services Virtual Hosting
Tags: Brent TuggleAn overview of updates to the CITES Virtual Hosting service. Looking at costs, business models, updated service offerings and infrastructure.
Five Active Directory Tips and Tricks
Tags: Brent Tuggle, Devin Gengelbach, Erik ColemanAs a follow-up to last Spring’s presentation on the ‘ABC’s of AD’ , this session is geared toward the intermediate-level admin and will share 5 useful tips and tricks on how to best leverage the UOFI Active Directory!
Lync 2010 Infrastructure
Tags: Brent Tuggle, Devin Gengelbach, Kevin Bird, Tom DawsonLync is one of the platforms that comprises Unified Communications. We’ll take a look at the back-end architecture as well as the available clients and features that make up Lync. Through demonstrations and a discussion with experts you will have a better understanding of how Lync will work in on the Urbana campus.
Exchange 2010: A Behind the Scenes Look
Tags: Brent Tuggle, Devin Gengelbach, Erik ColemanThis session provides a ‘down to the rivets’ view of Exchange 2010 as it is implemented so far at the university. We will look at storage architecture, server roles, database replication, mail flow, user provisioning, and take a peek at the new user experience.