AITS and Disaster Recovery


This discussion will be a high-level review of the AITS DR planning efforts and where AITS is heading with Business Continuity Planning efforts.

Strategy for Every Level

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A wise man once said, ‘You can’t make up in tactics what you lack in strategy.’ This proverb goes for whether you are planning your day or planning the next five years of an institution of higher education. We’ll define strategy and strategic thinking and provide techniques to help you get on the balcony to […]

Leading From Anywhere – ITLP/ITLW – The Leadership Revolution

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In this panel interactive discussion, graduates and current participants of the University of Illinois IT Leadership Program (ITLP) will provide an overview of the ITLP and ITLW programs and engage the audience in a set of introductory topics essential for engaging in positive relationships with others: active listening, giving and accepting feedback, and presence.