Kanban: This Time it’s Personal

We’ll cover two topics. First, what is this ‘Kanban’ everyone’s talking about? Second, how can a personal version of a project management methodology benefit you individually? Often there isn’t enough time to finish everything, and that stress can cause us to spin our wheels and accomplish nothing. Flexible and informal, Kanban can help. It doesn’t require any software or upfront training investment, and creating a personal board can reduce workload anxiety and the ‘existential overhead’ of having too much to do. It can also help guide decisions around priorities and whether ‘just one more’ project can be squeezed in. The speaker will discuss her experiences using personal Kanban as a tool to juggle a workload distributed across multiple projects, and as a method of organizing communication and building trust with a student intern. You’ll learn everything needed to start experimenting with your own personal Kanban board.