IT Manager Development Program

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The MGRdev program was created and piloted in 2013, after which the facilitation team did a full-fledged ITPF presentation which was well attended and received._ By the time of this Fall’s IT Pro Forum we will just have wrapped up the very successful 2014 Cohort of MGRdev and will be looking ahead to next year._ While a full-scale presentation was needed to introduce the program to the community, at this point we hope to become a well-known resource like the IT Leaders Workshop._ For this poster session the MGRdev Facilitation Team (7 people total) would staff the poster throughout the event to talk about the program and answer questions from interested parties._ A shortened, more flexible version of the content from our 2013 presentation would apply to this poster session:_ 1._ There is a high demand for manager_ training, particularly MGRdev, because of its quality of content and affordability. 2._ People in our_ IT Pro community want to know when the next session is and how to apply 3._ Our peers would also like to ask questions about what the training covers 4. The MGRdev faciltator team can also share participant feedback that identify the strengths and uniqueness of the program. 5._ We will describe the core management skills covered in the program, backed by research.