There are many small and large locations on campus available for academic use that most students aren’t aware of. IlliniSpaces is a new application initially developed at the University of Washington that CITES is bringing to Illinois. We’d like to share some of the features and implementation details so that departments can come on board:_ 1. Basic overview of the application and who our audience is. Highlight some of the search and map features, the space details, and different feedback mechanisms for students._ 2. Discus a bit the architecture and how to contribute code. It is a Django 1.4 project running on Python 2.7 and gunicorn. Our code is forked from the UW-IT-ACA GitHub repository and also hosted on GitHub._ 3. Look at the admin interface for working with spaces. Discuss the stock attributes from UW that we implemented for this campus._ 4. Discuss some of the UIUC specific space attributes we added. Look at filtering spaces based on uiucEduType. Look at filtering spaces by matching a user’s University Housing mailing address._ 5. Talk about some future ideas we’ve had for expanding the service. Other attributes and instances we might implement.