Collaboration Across the Stacks – Four FREE, EASY Ways to Bootstrap a Website


A dizzying array of campus web hosting options await you – but which one is best for you? This presentation will show you a subset of those options, all available to you with no mediation or cost-simply sign up and dive in, right now, through the University of Illinois Amazon Web Services cPanel suite (, or through our managed WordPress multisite offering ( You can do an amazing amount with cPanel, given the inclination and knowhow, while getting up and running on is ridiculously quick and easy. While cPanel is capable of a vast range of configurations, we will focus on three of the most popular cPanel web hosting options: hosting a ‘plain old’ static website, using Drupal, and using WordPress. We’ll show you how to get your site up and running on all four options, as well as suggesting sane starting points and best practices for configuring important features.