Collaborative Branding: Leveraging StratCom’s Hosted Brand Assets for Illinois Websites

Learn to effectively use the Hosted Brand Assets to maintain brand consistency and ensure accessibility. We’ll review examples of how we are using the assets across various use cases and provide strategies for implementation in your own projects. Discover how we are working with WIGG and other campus groups to refine and improve our brand assets, including recent changes and ongoing enhancements.

About this event:


  • Sydney Flowers, Front-end Web Developer and UX Liaison, Strategic Communications and Marketing
  • Matt Sharkey, Front-end Web Developer, Strategic Communications and Marketing
  • Todd Mette, Front-end Web Developer, Strategic Communications and Marketing


Service/Unit Overviews and Updates

Experience Needed:

All Levels

Learning Outcome:

Maximum Capacity:

No maximum capacity

Additional Keywords:

Illinois Brand, Brand Guidelines, University of Illinois, WordPress, CDN, Content Delivery Network, updates, Brand Assets, collaboration, strategy


2 pm November 12


  • Lincoln Room
  • Zoom C