Spring 2011 Conference

    Tuesday, June 7th, 2011
    8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
    iHotel and Conference Center

    The theme for this year’s IT Professionals Forum event is ‘Vision. Action. Results.’. The theme will focus on defining community driven IT initiatives, connecting IT professionals with the tools and resources they need, and highlighting successful collaborative efforts.

    Spring 2011 Schedule

    • 8:00 – 9:00 a.m.: Registration, North Entrance of Conference Center
    • 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
      • Building Relationships in a Rapidly Changing IT Environment
        Phil Nyman CITES; Ted Myhre CITES; Susan Flanagin AITS; Mark Pollard AITS-Decision Support
        In this session, the AITS and CITES Client Relationship Management (CRM) teams will provide an overview of how they have engaged with the IT Professionals community since the inception of the groups. They will engage the audience in a discussion on planned services and an evolving vision.
        Location: Technology Room
        Track: Vision
      • Campus-Wide Student Employee Training Program
        Candice Solomon-Strutz Social Work; Alex Breen CITES; David Ruby CITES; Nathan Carpenter CITES; Stephen Kemp Vet Med
        Student training is one of the most critical parts of utilizing student employees in IT. Multiple units and departments already have excellent training programs in place for student employees. During this session the panel will not only be sharing best practices and recommended methods for student training but looking to recruit volunteers to provide input from the beginning for a campus wide IT student training program.
        PDF link
        Location: Quad Room
        Track: Results
      • Feeding the Loop: The LAS Online Continuous Improvement Process
        Jim Witte ATLAS; Pamela Williams ATLAS; Quentin Lawphu Student; Tanja Hodges Student
        This presentation describes the process by which ATLAS TLT conducts course evaluations and uses the results to inform future course development efforts.
        Location: Alma Mater Room
        Track: Results
      • Lync 2010 Infrastructure
        Brent Tuggle CITES; Kevin Bird CITES; Devin Gengelbach CITES; Tom Dawson CITES
        Lync is one of the platforms that comprises Unified Communications. We’ll take a look at the back-end architecture as well as the available clients and features that make up Lync. Through demonstrations and a discussion with experts you will have a better understanding of how Lync will work in on the Urbana campus.
        Location: Chancellor Ballroom
        Track: Action
      • SitePublish: Web Content Management System at the University of Illinois
        Todd Nelson AITS
        SitePublish is a Web Content Management System (WCMS) for creating and maintaining websites efficiently and consistently. SitePublish is developed by Intrafinity and supported by AITS at the University of Illinois and is increasingly being used for University Administration (UA) websites. This presentation will demonstrate the WCMS functionality and describe processes, governance, and next steps for SitePublish at the University of Illinois.
        PDF link
        Location: Lincoln Room
        Track: Action
    • 10:15 – 11:00 a.m.
      • Code Slam!
        Bring your Skunkworks projects and your lingering haven’t-had-time issues, and bang on them in a room full of fellow programmers where you can swap tips, advice, howls of frustration, and shouts of victory. Need more time? Come back during lunch and code slam some more.
        Location: Quad Room
        Track: Results
      • Discover the AITS Configuration Management Database (CMDB)
        Sheheryar Muftee AITS
        This session will present the AITS Configuration Management Database (CMDB). It would showcase the functionality of the CMDB, discuss the collection of data that makes up the CMDB and tabulate the advantages of using it to improve Enterprise Service delivery. The presentation will also discuss a real world example problem where a solution will be reached using the CMDB functionality.
        Location: Chancellor Ballroom
        Track: Results
      • eText: Expanding a Locally Developed, Proven Online Textbook Service
        John Tubbs ACES-ITCS-WMS; Glenda Morgan Office of the CIO
        A variety of factors are applying pressure to reduce the cost burden of textbooks on students. In response the College of ACES has built eText, a delivery system for locally created digital textbooks used by over 1500 students. This session will highlight the successful development and implementation of eText and asks questions of how to expand it’s audience.
        Location: Alma Mater Room
        Track: Action
      • From Idea to Implementation: Making Computer Labs Better for Students
        Kelly Bridgewater Office of the CIO; Mona Heath Office of the CIO; Glenda Morgan Office of the CIO; Craig Jackson LAS
        The session will show how a simple discussion about the state of campus computer labs spawned conversations, working groups and surveys that directly influenced a number of positive changes made to make campus computer labs better for students.
        Location: Lincoln Room
        Track: Results
      • Teaching IT – Spring 2011
        Dave Mussulman Computer Science
        IT Pros don’t typically think of themselves as educators, even if that encompasses a lot of what we do. How can we reframe our approach to IT as teaching/learning to improve user satisfaction, and save our time and effort too. Join our discussion for observations, tips, tools, and strategies.
        PDF link
        Location: Technology Room
        Track: Vision
    • 11:15 – 12:00 p.m.
      • A Community Perspective On The Evolution Of Learning Technologies at Illinois
        Leslie Hammersmith Office of the CIO; Norma Scagnoli Office for Information Management – College of Business; Jim Witte ATLAS – College of LAS; Konstantinos Yfantis CITES
        This presentation provides insight into how our campus has negotiated the last ten years of rapid change in learning technologies, both in technology standards and as a mission critical part of teaching and learning today. The presenters, who are leaders in the field of educational technologies and represent multiple disciplines on campus, also discuss vision for the future.
        Location: Chancellor Ballroom
        Track: Vision
      • Engineering Endpoints: One College’s Journey to Endpoint Management
        Jim Hurst Engineering IT; Brad Mahaffey Engineering IT; James Babiarz Engineering IT
        IT Professionals from Engineering discuss their path to unified Endpoint Management (configuration, patching, OS and software deployment, hardware and software inventory, power management, etc on desktops, laptops, and mobile devices) . Includes a technical demo of what we will be implementing over the summer. Come to learn about our solution and how you can join in.
        Location: Technology Room
        Track: Action
      • Illinois Digital Signage Service: Alive and Kicking
        Thomas Kunka CITES; Meghan Smith ACES
        Just a few short years ago, digital signage as a campus-level IT service was just an idea. Today, the service is a reality and is helping many campus units use the latest in digital signage technology to enhance their communications and the Illinois experience. ACES will talk about where the service is today, ways in which it is being handled and where it’s heading.
        Location: Quad Room
        Track: Results
      • Planning Campus IT Pro Training: What Do We Want From Us?
        Dena Strong CITES; Candice Solomon-Strutz School of Social Work; Ted Myhre CITES
        More technical information!’ is a perennial CCSP/ITPF request. 45 minutes at a general conference often isn’t enough to go deep into most technical topics — but focused workshops can be. This session will be used to gather ideas, identify topic experts, and work out needed timeframes in order to provide deeply technical training workshops for campus IT pros.
        Location: Lincoln Room
        Track: Action
      • publish.illinois.edu – Microsite Publishing
        Mike Bohlmann Office of Technology Management; Ryan Thomas College of Education; David Dashifen Kees Engineering IT; Anthony Benjamin Engineering IT
        Identified within the Immediate Needs team of Web@Illinois, a significant gap was identified in the capability of faculty, students and staff to publish web content about their research, their studies, their groups and more using on-campus resources. At Web@Illinois Working Day last December, a group of IT and web folks got together to discuss the feasibility of putting together a WordPress service for campus. Come hear about the project’s progress and lessons learned about organizing without organizations.
        PDF link
        Location: Alma Mater Room
        Track: Action
    • 12:00 – 1:30 p.m.: Vendors, Poster Sessions, Networking & Lunch
    • 1:30 – 2:15 p.m.
      • Administrative Processes and Roles: There’s Got To Be A Better Way
        Dick Harris AITS; Sally Mikel Graduate College; Michelle Rome College of LAS – ATLAS; Ryan Thomas Education; Kris Williams Materials Research Lab
        The presentation proposes we dramatically rethink how the institution approaches administrative processes — an approach that must emphasize addressing needs we have in common, and leverage shared solutions more effectively. IT pros are uniquely positioned to help the University embrace such a vision and change in culture. The panel will discuss the benefits and challenges of moving to such a future from a college and department perspective.
        PDF link
        Location: Chancellor Ballroom
        Track: Vision
      • Bare Bones Project Management
        Michele Raupp Public Affairs; Rick Getty AITS
        What You Can’t NOT Do – based on a book by Robert Lewis, this is for anyone who has been volunteered to lead a project despite having no training or experience in project management.
        Location: Technology Room
        Track: Vision
      • Herding Cats in the Cloud: Evaluating Security of Third Party Services for University Business
        Mike Corn Office of the CIO; Cynthia Yewdall-Thackeray Office of the CIO
        Institutions are increasingly relying on third party services for everything from user collaboration to infrastructure. Evaluating the ability of these third parties to secure University data is proving to be a challenge for all of higher education. This talk will focus on this issue and some of the strategies we’re deploying at the University of Illinois for addressing them.
        PDF link
        Location: Lincoln Room
        Track: Action
      • Presenting CITES’ Usability Consulting Service
        Cordelia Geiken UXD/CITES
        CITES User Experience Design Group (UXD) is now offering a Usability Consulting Service to the campus. Cordelia Geiken will discuss what services are now avialable, how much they cost and how to take advantage of these new offerings.
        PDF link
        Location: Quad Room
        Track: Action
      • Shared Data Center Services Consolidation on the Move!
        Alice Jones AITS; Sol Roberts-Lieb CITES; David Gerstenecker ACES
        Please join us as we update you on the milestones we have completed during the last six months and we sit back and let you interview one of the first early adopter tenants, Dave Gerstenecker, as we review the process and define future objectives.
        PDF link
        Location: Alma Mater Room
        Track: Action
    • 2:30 – 3:15 p.m.
      • Business Intelligence at the Graduate College
        Serge Krasavin Mechanical Science & Engineering
        The Graduate College of the University of Illinois processes over 4500 requests each year from over 20 categories submitted by over 10000 graduate students. Processing this annual mountain of paperwork is labor-intensive, time-consuming, prone to error and, as all content resides on hardcopy, tedious to search. In an effort to improve performance and reduce costs there was a strong desire to automate this process. The petition forms have a standardized format with a well-established review/approval process which made the system a good candidate for automation using the built-in features of SharePoint 2010 content management and InfoPath 2010 electronic forms. The business process has been redesigned and the petitions were re-drafted as digital InfoPath forms and published to SharePoint libraries. After students complete a petition, they receive an email response and workflows start to route the document to the appropriate departmental library and alert the appropriate department/college staff to begin the review/approval process. Attachments can be added, as needed, to the forms and at any point anyone involved in the review/approval process can check the progress of a particular form by viewing the workflow status page. This straightforward, no-code solution readily generalizes to any number of common paperwork scenarios and provides an easy means for a department business office to truly enter the digital, no paper, age.
        PDF link
        Location: Alma Mater Room
        Track: Results
      • Multimedia at Illinois: An Update on the Center for Multimedia Excellence
        Drew MacGregor Engineering IT; Jack Brighton WILL Media; Colleen Cook ATLAS/Academic Outreach; John Tubbs ACES
        Building on the launch of the Center for Multimedia Excellence in October 2010, our presentation will update the IT community on the status of the Center for Multimedia Excellence (CME). The CME is a volunteer organization of IT staff, media specialists, communicators, librarians, ed-technicians, and others who wish to create a cohesive media strategy on campus.
        Location: Technology Room
        Track: Vision
      • Update on UC @ Illinois
        Tony Rimovsky CITES; Greg Gulick CITES
        Greg Gulick, UC @ Illinois Program Manager, and Tony Rimovsky, UC @ Illinois Executive Sponsor will provide the latest information about the campus transition to new email and calenaring (Microsoft Exchange 2010) and new voice services (Microsoft Lync-Windows and Microsoft Communicator-Mac).
        Location: Chancellor Ballroom
        Track: Action
      • Use Case to Object-Oriented Code Base
        Marilou Landes ACES Information Technology and Communication Services; Melissa Rubik Office of Business and Financial Services – Business Information Systems; Leslie Sherman Office of Business and Financial Services Business Information Systems
        We will provide a comparison of a highly structured application development process to a loosely structured one. We will show how use of common tools and code can leverage development to deliver a code base that is extensible.
        PDF link
        Location: Lincoln Room
        Track: Action
      • Web Accessibility Update: WCAG 2.0, IITAA 2.0 and FAE 2.0
        Jon Gunderson DRES; Nicholas Hoyt DRES
        WCAG 2.0 is being used as an international standard for web accessibility and most of it’s success criteria are being adopted in the new Federal Section 508 web accessibility standard and the proposed revisions in the Illinois Information Technology Accessibility Act (IITAA 2.0). Illinois Functional Accessibility Evaluator (FAE) 2.0 is currently being developed to meet the new challenges of the WCAG 2.0 requirements using the OpenAjax Accessibility rules and ruleset. This session will provide an overview of the new WCAG 2.0 requirements and present the new features planned in FAE 2.0. The session will provide time for questions and discussion.
        PDF link
        Location: Quad Room
        Track: Action
    • 3:15 – 3:45 p.m.: Networking break
    • 3:45 – 4:30 p.m.
      • Executive CIO: Q&A with Michael Hites
        Michael Hites AITS
        Michael Hites will do a short presentation on the new Executive CIO role at the University and how this can promote efficiencies and collaborative cross-campus projects. He will also discuss his vision for the role and how it relates to IT Professionals at the University and you will have an opportunity to ask questions and create discussion regarding this new role.
        PDF link
        Location: Chancellor Ballroom
        Track: Vision
    • 4:30 – 4:45 p.m.: Wrapup & Prize Giveaways
    • 4:45 p.m.: Networking & Making Connections

    Spring 2011 Poster Sessions

    • ACES/CITES E-conferencing: Collaboration At Its Best
      Mary Avelis ACES ITCS; Don Meyer ACES ITCS; Subhan Malick CITES; Uros Marjanovic CITES
      An opportunity to talk with CITES & ACES management team about the tele-/ video-/web-conferencing ( ‘e-conferencing’) services available on campus. Also, talk with the team about the multi-departmental collaboration involved in making these services available.
      Track: Results
    • AR&R Implementation Progress
      Kelly Block AITS
      This presentation poster will provide information on the various IT-related components of the Administrative Restructuring & Review (AR&R) effort and current progress on those initiatives. The purpose will be to inform attendees of the different efforts underway across the University.
      Track: Action
    • BI Technologies at UI
      Michael Wonderlich AITS; Jennifer Selk AITS; Ruth Wieties AITS
      A poster session describing the various BI Technologies in use with AITS-Decision Support.
      Track: Action
    • CA Service Desk Manager
      John Cowsert AITS and CITES
      An overview of Unicenter Service Desk Manager Suite current use and functionality. Look at current version 12.1 and its features using a walk-through demonstration.
      Track: Results
    • Campus DHCP
      David Zych CITES; Amy Colaluca CITES
      Latest updates regarding the current alpha-level campus DHCP service and progress towards rolling out a full production service.
      Track: Action
    • Changes in the Works–AITS Customer Relationship Management
      Susan Flanagin AITS; Mark Pollard AITS-Decision Support
      AITS is implementing a Customer Relationship Management philosophy. Get an overview of the AITS vision and direction and see how the IT PRO survey helped draft that vision.
      Track: Vision
    • Creating Interactive Online and Mobile Resources with HTML5
      Douglas Mills Chemistry
      HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript show great promise for creating engaging interactive learning resources deliverable to both computers and mobile devices. We have been exploring the potential of these technologies for Chemistry instruction and will share where we’re at in this session, hoping to learn from others as well. A website with examples and resources will also be provided.
      Track: Action
    • Departmental Support Tool Kit
      Shelley Siuts ATLAS-SOS
      Take a look at the ATLAS-SOS Desktop Support Tool Kit. It is a collection of experience, hardware, collaboration, software, mentors, expertise, racks, workflows, networks, code, documentation, teamwork and yes, a screwdriver or two.
      Track: Action
    • Educational Technologists Forum
      Leslie Hammersmith Office of the CIO; Mike Williams College of Education
      Educational Technologists Forum was founded in 2007 as a grassroots community to bring together professionals who are involved in the development, design and delivery of educational materials enhanced with technology. We help establish connections, exchange information relevant to our work and interests, and contribute to the advancement of excellence in teaching and learning with technology.
      Track: Action
    • Supporting Banner: A Primer
      Shawn Lee AITS
      An overview the Banner ERP system installed at the University of Illinois. We will review the support resources available to IT Pros and provide a glimpse of the architecture behind our Banner system. Download the poster here.
      Track: Results
    • The ATLAS Framework: A Web Strategy Optimized for User & Developer Happiness
      Phil Pochrzast College of LAS – ATLAS; Michelle Rome College of LAS – ATLAS
      One FTE and a handful of undergrads provide website design, development, and support to 60 units in the College of LAS. Amidst existing and emerging web standards, accessibility legislation, best practices, technologies, and user expectations, how do we plan to continue producing top-notch websites that will attract students, faculty, and donors? Come see where we’re at, and where we’re going.
      Track: Action
    • UC@Illinois Telephone Devices – Spring 2011
      Diane Arnold CITES Service Request Management
      Allow participants to see, experience and ask questions about the telephone devices and headsets that Microsoft and therefore CITES will be recommending be used with UC@Illinois.
      Track: Action
    • UIUCnet IPv6
      Ryan Harden CITES
      Stop by to see how IPv6 is progressing on UIUCnet and get any questions you have answered by CITES Network Engineering.
      Track: Action
    • VSL Collaboration – Building Systems Together
      Nyle Bolliger AITS; Adam VanDuyne ACES; Michelle Rome College of LAS – ATLAS; Joshua Potts College of Engineering
      AITS partnered with a number of colleges and departments including ACES, ATLAS, Education, Engineering, and University HR to jointly build a standardized integration for VSL systems into Banner. This collaborative effort brought together various development shops from the edge and central to work together to design and build an integration framework as part of an ITPC project.
      Track: Action
    • Working Together – We Can Make it Happen
      Stephanie Dable AITS; Rod Hoewing Office of the Registrar; Nyle Bolliger AITS
      This session will demonstrate how the Registrar’s office worked collaboratively with AITS to submit an idea for a Mass Grade Entry modification, demonstrated the functionality, worked with AITS to tweak the idea to meet the enterprise requirements, and got the functionality scheduled for implementation to production, all within a 3 month timeframe.
      Track: Results


    Planning & Programming Committee

    • Amanda Bland
    • Candice Solomon-Strutz
    • Craig Jackson
    • Dena Strong
    • Gabe Gibson
    • Gary Bernstein
    • Joe Tek Yun
    • Julia Hart
    • Konstantinos Yfantis
    • Kristin Cordova – Chair
    • Lori Beeson
    • Nate Baxley
    • Theodore Myhre
    • Yury Borukhovich


    • Nate Baxley
    • Yury Borukhovich

    Website Graphics

    • Laura Hayden

    Web Hosting

    • Jackie Kern
    • Sandra Thompson

    Production Team for the ‘IT Professionals Forum Spring 2011 – Promo’ Video

    • Ed Glaser
    • Joe Tek Yun
    • Tim Jenvey