Fall 2020 Conference

    ITPF Fall 2020: Share the Vision

    The conference theme, “Share the Vision,” examines ways technology enables research and innovation, connects our infrastructure and architecture, provides opportunities for us to learn, grow and collaborate, and focuses on current services, projects, and promising opportunities.

    Partner with friends and colleagues at #ITPF2020 and continue to Share the Vision through one of these tracks:

    • Vision: Looking Forward
      Leadership and goals | Personal and professional development | Research and Innovation
    • Sharing: Everyone’s Welcome
      Teaching and Training | Campus Partnerships | Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | Accessibility and Usability
    • In Focus: Here and Now
      Current services and projects | Campus infrastructure and locations | Shared standards and practices
    • Cloudy with a Chance of Terraforming
      AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud | Automation | Containers
    • Free-Floating
      Don’t see a track description that suits your idea? Put it here! Anything goes

    Day 1: November 12 – Main Conference

    • 9:00am-9:45am: Keynote Address
      • Keynote: Beyond Compliance- A Pathway Towards Greater Accessibility and Inclusion at Illinois
        Allison Kushner, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
        With a common vision of inclusiveness and accessibility for the campus community at large, what does it look like to shift our focus from compliance to what lies beyond?
        Location: Online
        Track: Sharing: Everyone’s Welcome
    • 10:00am-10:45am: Sessions 1
      • Securing Windows with PowerShell DSC
        Michael Kletz, Privacy and Security; Tamara Buch, Privacy and Security
        Q&A + Demo for the CISDSC module authored by Security for applying CIS security benchmarks to Windows endpoints and servers.
        PDF link
        Location: Online
        Track: In Focus: Here and Now
      • Photo Roster as the LMS Dashboard
        Szymon Machajewski, Learning Technology Solutions
        The UIC Photo Roster in Blackboard Learn helps faculty learn student names. Faculty can listen to name pronunciation, save notes about the student, and review preferred name, personal pronoun. Along with key visual analytic indicators, such as flags when student has not yet logged into the course, the tool is becoming the dashboard of the course to build student-faculty relationships.
        Location: Online
        Track: In Focus: Here and Now
      • ACT – All COVID Test Pipeline
        Ken Taylor, Technology Services
        A review of the AWS pipeline architecture used to process all of the COVID-19 tests on the UIUC campus.
        Location: Online
        Track: In Focus: Here and Now
      • University of Illinois System Shared GitHub Service
        Robyn Velazquez, AITS; Pete Herrig, AITS; Chris Hawk, AITS; Dave Mussulman, Engineering IT Shared Services
        The University of Illinois is establishing a shared, cloud-based GitHub services which will be available to all students, faculty, and staff. Members of the implementation team will share details of the service, the current status of the project, and welcome question from participants about the service and how to get started.
        PDF link
        Location: Online
        Track: In Focus: Here and Now
      • Interacting with Customers with Disabilities
        JJ Pionke, University Library
        This presentation will explore how libraries can and should interact with patrons with disabilities at the reference desk. There will be a discussion of some basic concepts to think about and then a deeper look into why accessibility interactions with library patrons is problematic and an area of growth for libraries. The concepts and data explored in this presentation is broadly generalizable to other customer service contexts.
        Location: Online
        Track: Sharing: Everyone’s Welcome
    • 11:00am-11:45am: Sessions 2
      • Accessible Chat and Communications Platforms
        Keith Wessel, Technology Services; Dena Strong, Tech Services
        In today’s world, communications platforms are more vital than ever. But not all platforms are created equal, especially when it comes to accessibility. Join Keith Wessel and Dena Strong for a comparison of the accessibility and ease of use of platforms including Teams, Zoom, Slack, Skype for Business, and others.
        PDF link
        Location: Online
        Track: Sharing: Everyone’s Welcome
      • Meeting Teaching Needs in a Pandemic
        Craig Jackson, Technology Solutions (ISU); Jeff Grabb, College of Business (ISU); Carla Birckelbaw, Technology Solutions (ISU); Chandra Smith, College of Applied Science & Technology
        March, 2020, pushed digital transformation at ISU. We had to quickly develop a plan for moving from fully in-class to fully on-line in less than two weeks. This presentation will review the pedagogical and technical discussions, constraints, and opportunities to provide IT services to the campus community.
        PDF link
        Location: Online
        Track: Vision: Looking Forward
      • Research Data and Networking BoF
        Chris Skaar, Technology Services; Eric Boyer, NCSA; J. D. Maloney, NCSA; Phil Winans, Technology Services
        Open discussion of supporting data and network needs for researchers with with NCSA and Tech Services.
        Location: Online
        Track: In Focus: Here and Now
      • From Vision to System: Prototyping with Ease
        Isaac Galvan, Technology Services; Bradly Alicea
        Building apps is a costly endeavor, with many potential pitfalls and points of failure. Getting user and stakeholder feedback early can save your team time and effort, particularly as the product vision develops. We will demonstrate that it is never too soon in the development cycle to start building prototypes. Building your first prototype is simple, often requiring nothing more than paper and pencil! More generally, we will highlight how prototyping might be used in open-source communities, particularly as a distributed collaborative exercise. The iterative and interactive aspects of the open-source case are widely relevant to successful prototyping among diverse product teams.
        Location: Online
        Track: Sharing: Everyone’s Welcome
      • Enterprise Integration Updates
        Jared Crowe, AITS; Kavin Chan, AITS
        A review of the AITS enterprise integration road map.
        PDF link
        Location: Online
        Track: In Focus: Here and Now
    • 12:00pm-1:30pm: Lunch, Poster Sessions, Vendor Showcase, and Networking
    • 1:30pm-2:15pm: Sessions 3
      • WCAG 2.0 Vs. WCAG 2.1
        Jeremy Perkins
        WCAG 2.0 AA is the legal standard for accessibility on the web, but it is now being displaced by WCAG 2.1 AA. In this session we will review the differences between WCAG 2.0 and WCAG 2.1 and how to ensure the high-level of accessibility is achieved. Relevant for content creators and editors, designers and developers.
        Location: Online
        Track: Sharing: Everyone’s Welcome
      • Chatbot in the LMS – AI for Academics
        Szymon Machajewski, Technology Solutions; Elizabeth Romero, Technology Solutions
        LMS is a digital center of the campus. A guide is sometimes welcome for new faculty, new students, or experienced users who simply are looking for optimization. UIC Socrates provides a new interface for how-to knowledge and LMS academic data.
        PDF link
        Location: Online
        Track: In Focus: Here and Now
      • macOS/iOS at Illinois
        Paul Roberts, Technology Services; Keith Mountin, Apple
        Fall update on macOS and iOS at Illinois. Keith Mountin our campus Apple System Engineer will be on hand to answer question plus give updates on the following: What’s new in macOS and iOS How to deploy macOS with DEP Enterprise update.
        Location: Online
        Track: Sharing: Everyone’s Welcome
      • Using AWS Savings Plans to Reduce Cloud Expenses at the University Library
        Joseph Troy, Library
        The Library has been using Amazon Web Services for the Illinois Library Digital Collections and Illinois Data Bank applications since early 2019. This presentation will share how the Library saves money by using AWS Savings Plans. AWS Savings Plans is just one of the ways Library IT reduces its AWS costs and saves the Library up to 50% on some compute services.
        PDF link
        Location: Online
        Track: Cloudy with a Chance of Terraforming
      • Upcycled Apps: Adapting Existing IT Resources for Nontraditional Use Cases
        Kathy Walsh, Materials Research Lab
        Nontraditional software needs can often be addressed by creative, DIY adaptation of IT resources already available on campus. These solutions can be customized and maintained by the end user as needed. Since these are already widely used resources, support and tutorials are readily available. This presentation will walk through practical examples of adapting existing, free-to-campus-users software for use cases other than those for which the software is targeted, including for administrative tasks.
        PDF link
        Location: Online
        Track: Sharing: Everyone’s Welcome
    • 2:30pm-3:15pm: Sessions 4
      • PowerShell User Group Q&A
        Michael Kletz, Privacy and Security; Dominic Pickert, IT Partners at Gies
        Come learn about the campus PowerShell user group and PowerShell in general. Technical & group related questions both welcome.
        Location: Online
        Track: Sharing: Everyone’s Welcome
      • Introducing Adobe Sign
        Julie Wagner, RIMS
        Learn the basics of Adobe Sign, an electronic signature platform that the University now supports. Adobe Sign can significantly improve workflows by moving your signatures and approvals to the cloud. In this session, learn how to create and build templates, self-service webforms, and more features. We will also cover use cases from departments across the system to give you an idea of what others are using Adobe Sign for and how it can be implemented in your office.
        PDF link
        Location: Online
        Track: Sharing: Everyone’s Welcome
      • Software Integration with AuthMan Access Policies
        Erik Coleman, Technology Services
        We will take a deeper dive into Authorization Manager and how you can integrate your application with defined access management policies. We will take a look at managing role-based access control (RBAC) for cloud-based roles in Amazon Web Services and Azure, creating and managing Office 365 groups, and how to interact with AuthMan through the Grouper REST API.
        Location: Online
        Track: In Focus: Here and Now
      • Discovering & Accessing Your Data – ATLAS DSC
        Michelle Rome, College of LAS – ATLAS; Todd Reese, College of LAS – ATLAS
        Come see the latest updates to the ATLAS Data Services Center! The DSC was written to replace the long successful Report Delivery application and includes a number extensions. Special features include a Discovery component for finding data, the ability to favorite frequently used reports, as well as suggesting reports based on preferences set by each individual. The DSC is NOT limited to data and reports created by and for LAS but allows for data professionals across the institution to register data so that it can be found in the Discovery portion of the application no matter what the format or delivery method.
        Location: Online
        Track: In Focus: Here and Now
      • Digital Publishing and Pedagogy in the Humanities
        Mary Ton, Scholarly Communication and Publishing
        This discussion will center around strategies for supporting the digital publication of humanities-based research with a particular focus on multimedia writing assignments in undergraduate and graduate courses. We’ll share strategies on how to effectively assess needs, select web hosting services best suited for the scope of the project, and develop effective workflows for faculty and students. We’ll conclude by offering a survey of services provided by the university.
        PDF link
        Location: Online
        Track: In Focus: Here and Now
    • 3:30pm-4:15pm: Sessions 5
      • Upcoming Email Relays Migration – What to Expect
        Eric Frahm, Technology Services
        A long delayed project to migrate the Campus Email Relays to a vendor hosted cloud platform is coming in to fruition. What changes should you expect, what opportunities might this provide?
        PDF link
        Location: Online
        Track: In Focus: Here and Now
      • Illinois Drupal Framework: Coming Together to Create Powerful Websites
        Nate Baxley, ATLAS – College of LAS; Melissa Waller, College of ACES; Tyler Rubach, ATLAS – College of LAS; Bill Gutierrez, College of ACES
        The colleges of ACES and LAS have been using Drupal to power our websites for many years. We’ve pooled our experience to create a system that can be deployed to any hosting solution (including campus cPanel), supports the new campus brand standards out of the box, and is built with customization and expansion in mind. Find out what it can do, how you can begin taking advantage of it, and how to become a part of the community that will expand its functionality in the into the future.
        Location: Online
        Track: Sharing: Everyone’s Welcome
      • An Overview of Illinois REDCap
        Michelle Lore, Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute
        REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a secure web application for collecting data via surveys and data entry forms. It is a HIPAA-capable platform, making it ideal for collecting Protected Health Information. This presentation will include: an overview of REDCap, features of the system, how it protects data, and how to gain access to REDCap.
        Location: Online
        Track: In Focus: Here and Now
      • UIUC AnyWare – Overview and Next Steps
        Christopher Hendricksen, Technology Services; John Cox, GIES College of Business; James Han, Engineering IT; Eric Mosher, Library; Geoffrey Muckenhirn
        UIUC AnyWare is a new service that was stood up by a collaboration between Technology Services, ACES, ATLAS, Engineering, GIES and the Library. It provides students with remote access to the apps and desktops they need. In this presentation we will give an overview and demo of the service then talk about next steps, with input from the audience.
        Location: Online
        Track: In Focus: Here and Now
      • Adaptive Narration Technique in Online Teaching
        Sebastian Kelle, CS
        Adaptive Narration Technique (ANT) is a technologically enhanced pedagogical teaching model that aims at fostering self-directed learning processes in online education. We follow the principle of flipped classroom by empowering students to create content themselves, using a collaborative storytelling approach. The method is making use of a decentralized authoring environment for digital storytelling. It enables students to iteratively and collaboratively gain knowledge by discovery and reflection. In the presentation, we’ll provide a demo and example and discuss its potential in a higher education environment and its engineering disciplines, such as our college. There are certain challenges involved, such as how to collaboratively create content in a bigger group of students, and in what ways the generated content can be reused, assessed and shared. In sum, the proposed model provides novel means of administering personalized self-directed learning interventions. These are expected to result in improved student satisfaction and confidence.
        Location: Online
        Track: Free-Floating
    • 4:30 PM – 5:00 PM: Closing and Social

    Day 2: November 13 – Post-Conference Workshops

    • macOS “Imaging” with Mac Provisioner
      Paul Roberts, Technology Services; Keith Mountin, Apple
      This hands-on virtual lab will detail the process of using Mac Provisioner for Rapid Return to Service/Imaging workflow for prep’ing your Mac clients. Included will be techniques for downloading the needed OS Installers, exercises for using the open source tool AutoDMG, creating a bootable install USB drive and lastly, options for restoring a Mac client. To participate in all the exercises attendees will need a host Mac and a Mac that can be used as the client to be imaged A USB Drive (32G or larger) USB 3.1 is recommended Session attendees will get a prerequisite list of specific items to have ready before the session starts.
      Location: Online
    • Accessibility Tools & Resources for IT Pros
      Allison Payne, IT Partners @ Gies College of Business; Keith Hays, Ofc of Access & Equity; Ann Fredricksen, DRES; Mark McCarthy, AITS
      We have a lot of accessibility tools and resources on this campus – Aira, Otter.ai, ZoomText, JAWS, captioning services, DRES, the IT Accessibility Liaison program, and more. Every IT Pro is likely to run into a situation where they need one or more of these, whether for themselves or their customers. In this series of presentations, IT Pros will share tools they use and support, and they’ll be available to answer any questions.
      PDF link
      Location: Online
    • Introduction to Networking at UIUC
      Calvin Shirley, Technology Services; Brad McDuffie, Technology Services; Chris Skaar, Technology Services
      The Technology Services Networking team maintains and supports the campus network, but we can’t do it without the help of IT Pros across campus. Learn about how we work with IT Pros to support the needs of their customers, upgrade the networking equipment in the buildings they support, contact them when there is a problem, and how they can reach us for any questions or issues related to the campus network. We will also cover some of the tools available to IT Pros to manage their networks, such as CDB, Iris, and IPAM.
      Location: Online
      Track: In Focus: Here and Now
    • Migrating Workloads and Databases to the Cloud
      Nathan Farris; Mike Botte
      Looking at your existing on-prem workloads and databases to determine which make the most sense to keep on-prem and which make the most sense to move to the cloud. Once you determine which should move, which cloud will be best? Using our experience and knowledge of the various clouds along with the business aspects of each, we will explore potential fits for cloud adoption and pitfalls to avoid.
      Location: Online


    A special thank you to Technology Services,
    premier sponsor of the IT Professionals Forum Conference
    for over 25 years!

    Committee Members

    • Cordelia Geiken, Chair
      Technology Services
    • Neeru Batura
      Technology Services
    • Chris Burdette
      Administrative Information Technology Services
    • Michael Cervone
      Technology Services
    • Dan Dalpiaz
      Library Administration
    • Debbie Fligor
      Technology Services
    • Troy Gagne
      Technology Services
    • Laura Galvan
      Technology Services
    • Katie Lackermann
      Technology Services
    • Matt Macomber
      Administrative Information Technology Services
    • Kala Maturi
      Technology Services
    • Mark McCarthy
      Administrative Information Technology Services
    • Maged Messeh
      College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
    • Liam Moran
      Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning
    • Todd Nelson
      Administrative Information Technology Services
    • Priya Ravi
      Technology Services
    • Robert Slater
      Technology Services
    • Candice Solomon-Strutz
      Department of Chemistry
    • Dena Strong
      Technology Services
    • Dejan Trencevski
      Technology Services
    • Leon Wilson
      Library Administration
    • Kenn Wislander
      Technology Services