Fall 2015 Conference

    The theme for the 2015 Fall IT Professionals Forum event “Brick by Brick” was a success. The theme centered on the core objectives of the IT Professionals Forum and provided a venue to connect, learn, share and create lego creations. Thank you again to all IT Professionals that submitted a proposal for a presentation and/or poster-session. We received over 40 presentation and poster session submissions. Online registration for the Fall 2015 IT Pro Forum closed on Friday, October 23rd.

    Fall 2015 Schedule

    • 8:00 – 9:00 a.m.: Registration
    • 9:00 – 9:45 a.m.
      • Panel Discussion – Powering Your Creations: IT Power Plant
        Brian Mertz, Communications, Technology Services; Bobbi Hardy, Concierge, Technology Services; Tina Olszewski, Help Desk, College of Veterinary Medicine; Jeremy W. Jones, Endpoint Services, College of Education; Jim Dohle, Printing, Library; Sandra Thompson, Web Hosting, College of Engineering; Michael Chan, Hybrid/Private Storage and Consumer Backups, College of Engineering; Chris Kuehn, Block Storage and Enterprise Backups, Technology Services; Brent Tuggle, Virtualization, Technology Services
        Services abound on campus. How does your pieces fit into the IT Power Plant? What is going on across campus to ensure that Everything is Awesome? Come learn, listen to, and ask questions of the IT Power Plant Solution Development Team to find out what is new and what is next.
        PDF link
        Location: Chancellor Ballroom
    • 10:00 – 10:45 a.m.
      • Captioning at the University of Illinois: From non-STEM to STEM content
        Ann Fredricksen, Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES)
        Captioning can seem like a daunting, time-consuming, and expensive task. There are many professional companies ready to produce a captioned file, but how do you determine high-quality captions from fair and poor captions? Are there any low/no cost solutions available for faculty and staff to choose from? Learn some quick tips and tricks that will help you in this process.
        PDF link
        Location: Technology Room
        Track: The TV Studio
      • Email Management Revisited: A Cornerstone of University Communications
        Richard Gegg, Jordan Phoenix, Brent West, AITS;
        Email has become a ubiquitous tool at the University providing one of the cornerstones for University communications. However, as common as email is, most people still do not have a strategy for how to organize it. This presentation will discuss some of the issues surrounding email management and provide tips on how to address them.
        PDF link
        Location: Alma Mater Room
        Track: The TV Studio
      • IT Pro Orientation – Fall 2015
        Candice Solomon-Strutz, AITS
        This session is designed for IT Professionals who are new to campus or those interested in an overview of IT on the Urbana campus. We’ll cover IT structures, processes, training, and available resources. This orientation is a great way to begin to network with your campus colleagues.
        PDF link
        Location: Lincoln Room
        Track: The TV Studio
      • My Dean Just Bought a Mac and I Need Help!
        Matt Childress, Paul Roberts, Tech Services at Swanlund; Brynnen Owen, GSLIS; Jake Rundall, Tech Services at FAA
        Don’t hit a brick wall. Learn how the Munki ecosystem makes Mac software deployment easy. Come see how admins on the UIUC campus collaborate to deploy software in a user-friendly manner, participate in a world-wide community of Mac admins to automatically import software into Munki, and monitor their fleets, all using a collection of free and open-source tools.
        PDF link
        Location: Quad Room
        Track: Master Builders
      • The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) (Double-length Workshop, 10 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.)
        Brad Neavear, Tech Services; Noni Ledford, AITS
        The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) communicates the project scope and helps project teams define the project work. The WBS is a technique that can be used to plan projects and create project schedules. In this presentation, we will explore the WBS, the components of successful Work Breakdown Structures, and different WBS.
        PDF link
        Location: Humanities
        Track: Master Builders
      • University Purchasing, IT Professionals and the State of Illinois
        Justin Johnson, UIUC Purchasing; Dan Szajna, Strategic Procurement
        The purchasing environment within the state and within the university is complex and dynamic. Understanding the ‘rules’, why the ‘rules’ are the way they are and the best paths to take for procurement is essential in Information Technology. This session by UI purchasing experts will cover information about the current Procurement climate in the State, the Illinois Procurement Code and how the University interprets and complies with the code, and advice about when and how to use various purchasing tools such as iBuy catalog vendors, Request for Proposals or Invitation for Bids, and P-Cards. There will be time for Q&A as well.
        PDF link
        Location: Chancellor Ballroom
        Track: A View From Upstairs
    • 11:00 – 11:45 a.m.
      • Achievement badges and a new web site for Illinois Online Network
        Scott Johnson, Illinois Online Network – UAPS-University Administration; Ali Banihashem, Academic Programs and Services — University Administration
        The Master Online Teacher certificate is a non-credit certificate comprising six courses, each of which is eight weeks. To encourage professional development and recognize less-than-certificate achievements, ION began issuing badges in February of 2013. Since then, thousands have been issued. Join us to hear about the process, decisions, and lessons. We also preview our new web site.
        Location: Innovation
        Track: The Human World
      • Bootstrap.js accessibility and SkipTo.js for page keyboard navigation
        Jon Gunderson, Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES)
        This session will discuss the accessibility of the native Bootstrap.js library used to create responsive/interactive websites and how the PayPal Bootstrap accessibility plug-in can be used to improve Boostrap.js accessibility. The session will also demonstrate the PayPal/Illinois SkipTo.js utility to automate the provision of supporting native keyboard access to the sections of your web pages.
        Location: Technology Room
        Track: The TV Studio
      • Campus Mailing List Service – The Listmasters
        Terry McLaren, Eric Frahm, Tech Services; James Babiarz, Engineering IT; Allison Payne, ACES
        The Campus Mailing List Service provides University Units an option to host their mailing lists. The Unit’s retain their identity, autonomy and local administration. This presentation explores the role of the Unit Listmaster(s) and issues related to migrating existing mail list servers to the Campus Mailing List Service.
        Location: Alma Mater Room
        Track: Master Builders
      • Self-Service IT
        Keith Sumlar, Illini Union
        Techniques and examples will be discussed demonstrating how SCCM can be leveraged to empower IT Pros and end users by providing self-service IT services.
        Location: Quad Room
        Track: Master Builders
      • The Concierge Framework for IT Professionals
        Chris Tidrick, University of Illinois Extension; Bobbi Hardy, Tech Services
        This workshop will introduce concierge framework for IT professionals — a new philosophy and approach for IT pros to become more engaged, enabling partners in the university’s mission while creating a seamless, superior customer experience for students, faculty and staff. We will challenge workshop participants to think of opportunities that emerge from this framework.
        Location: Chancellor Ballroom
        Track: A View From Upstairs
    • 11:45 – 1:00 p.m.: Vendors, Poster Sessions, Networking & Lunch, Illinois Ballroom
    • 11:45 – 1:00 p.m.
      • Help Us Create a Data Visualization Community!
        Jacob Vann, Dimuthu Tilakaratne, Rick Getty, AITS
        We want to share our progress on building a data visualization community at U of I. Data is one of our most valuable assets, and we want you to help us make the most of it! Attend to find out how you can participate and help foster good data visualization in your area!
        PDF link
        Location: Lincoln Room
        Track: The TV Studio
      • Network Tools Round-Table Discussion
        Ben Chase, Subhan Malick, Ryan Walker, David Zych, Tech Services
        Open discussion about the tools available for IT Pro network administrators, what you’re using them for, and how well they are meeting your day-to-day operational needs. Bring your feedback about what is missing and how to improve network visibility and troubleshooting tools. Includes a brief overview of some current tools such as Iris and IPAM.
        PDF link
        Location: Alma Mater Room
        Track: Hardhat/Under Construction
      • Outreach and Engagement in Engineering: A Year in Review
        Dave Mussulmann, Mark Hart, Kim Nguyen-Jahiel, Engineering IT
        Kim, Mark and Dave will explain what the Outreach and Engagement division of Engineering IT does; talk about our roles and projects for our first year; and our vision for the future. We’re excited to network and learn from others who do similar work in campus IT!
        PDF link
        Location: Humanities
        Track: The Human World
    • 1:00 – 1:45 p.m.
      • A Kragle By Any Other Name Is Just Krazy Glue – Renaming CITES to Technology Services
        Brian Mertz, Tech services
        What is it like to change a name that has been used across campus for more than a decade? Hear the challenges and the benefits of changing the name CITES to Technology Services. Learn the names and words that IT pros use that create customer confusion. And build up a vocabulary that will help you connect with your customers.
        Location: Quad Room
        Track: The TV Studio
      • Basic and Advance Networking Topics (Triple-length Workshop, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.)
        Doug Miller, Chuck Hayes, Daren Froemel, Chris Skaar, Brad McDuffee, Tech Services
        1:00-1:30 Campus Wifi _ Chuck Hayes: Chuck will break down all the changes that have been happening with the Campus Wifi Service. 1:30-2:00 AV services: A rep from AV Services will discuss what they do.1:30-2:00 AV services: A rep from AV Services will discuss what they do.2:00-2:45 CER Wiring and Building network traffic _ Doug Miller and Daren Froemel: We will demonstrate how and why we wire network closets like we do, and show how network traffic goes from the jack on the wall into the campus core and beyond.
        Location: Technology Room
        Track: Hardhat/Under Construction
      • Emotional Intelligence: How to React When Everything is Not Awesome
        Candice Solomon-Strutz, AITS
        As IT Professionals our success and the success of the profession today depend on our ability to build strong relationships, think calmly and solve problems under pressure. Therefore, each one of us must develop the mature emotional intelligence skills required to better understand, empathize and collaborate with others. This presentation will include activities and group discussion.
        PDF link
        Location: Lincoln Room
        Track: The Human World
      • Fostering Data-Driven Decision Making
        Michael Painter, Kim Hubbard, Technology Services at Education
        Questions require refinement. Data requires interrogation. Query, assess, refine, repeat. As a data analyst in a small shop, I’m often part of that process, but what if our users could interrogate data themselves to refine and answer their own questions? We’ll show how we’re using Tableau to put interactive data into the hands of our decision makers and their staff.
        Location: Chancellor Ballroom
        Track: Master Builders
      • Getting Your People started with Media
        Rick Langlois, CITL
        A team exercise in guiding your clients when they ask for video production support.
        PDF link
        Location: Humanities
        Track: The TV Studio
      • Search Party Redux: Finding a Google Appliance Solution
        Brian Jonker, College of Education
        Search capability is necessary for any website, and instead of writing our own search engine, we decided to use Google Search Appliance. We will review how we leveraged the GSA’s back-end process to make our website more usable.
        PDF link
        Location: Knowledge
        Track: Master Builders
      • University System Status Website – Getting the Word Out
        Jennifer Trevillian, AITS; Robert Slater, Library
        The System Status website is available at no charge for any University IT department to use to annouce their planned and unplanned system outages. We will present a demonstration of the application’s back end, give an overview of the design features and discuss the future enhancements that are in the works.
        PDF link
        Location: Innovation
        Track: The TV Studio
    • 2:00 – 2:45 p.m.
      • Building Your Presence: The Nuts and Bolts of Proposing and Presenting (Double-length Workshop, 2:00-4:00)
        James Quisenberry, Housing; Kim Nguyen-Jahiel, Chuck Thompson, Engineering IT; David Gerstenecker, ACES
        You are an expert in your field, growing in your leadership capacity and now you want to share your knowledge. Presenting at conferences, either locally, regionally, or nationally can develop yourself individually and give back to our profession. Come to our session and get some basic skills and ideas for taking the next step in building your presence.
        PDF link
        Location: Innovation
        Track: The TV Studio
      • Got QA?
        Kala Maturi, Neeru Batura, Alina Banerjee, Tech Services
        Having a dedicated QA team improves the quality of our end-products. This presentation will outline the hows and whys of QA involvement over a product’s life cycle. We will discuss the different types of testing that can be performed and the tools used to measurably improve product quality, as well as the financial benefits of establishing QA processes.
        Location: Humanities
        Track: Master Builders
      • Implementing a Synchronized Hybrid Data Mart
        Vern Huber, ITS
        This presentation covers the benefits and concerns, the high-level architecture and code needed for implementing a synchronized Hybrid Data Mart in your local organization. Most of the data is coming from AITS’ Data Warehouse (EDW), but other data sources can be pulled in. Additionally, this framework supports pulling in deltas to add to the data set (or override it).
        Location: Alma Mater Room
        Track: A View From Upstairs
      • Kaltura in Action in FAA
        Drew MacGregor, Tech Services; Scott Wennerdahl, Jeremy Bauer, FAA
        12 months ago Technology Services began the rollout of the Kaltura media engine. One of the early adopters, FAA Education Support Services, has adapted the resource for use in classes large and small. Come to this session to learn about the Kaltura toolset, how FAA has used it, and how your unit can benefit from it.
        Location: Knowledge
        Track: The TV Studio
      • Modern Viruses: You May be Already Compromised
        Troye Kauffman, AITS
        Today’s viruses are stealthier than ever, and it’s easy to become infected. Learn how to avoid being hacked, including a detailed presentation on identifying spam.
        Location: Chancellor Ballroom
        Track: Master Builders
      • The Master Builder’s New Toolbox
        Brent Tuggle, Tech Services
        To work efficiently and at scale in the clouds, IT Pro’s need an entirely new toolbox. Tools like Software Defined ‘Anything’, Dev/Ops methods, automation, and containers are only a few of the tools/concepts I’ll touch on. Come learn about what tools you should be putting into YOUR toolbox to become a Master Builder in the clouds of tomorrow.
        Location: Quad Room
        Track: Master Builders
    • 2:45 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.: Vendors, Poster Sessions, Networking & Break
    • 3:15 – 4:00 p.m.
      • 4:15 – 6:00 p.m.: Closing, ITPF Connect Event – Illinois Ballroom

    Fall 2015 Poster Sessions

    • Data Center Shared Service (DCSS) – Fall 2015
      Jason Strutz, Library
      Data Center Shared Service (DCSS) is a campus initiative to consolidate campus server rooms and data centers into high-quality shared data center facilities. Through use of shared data centers, the campus can provide higher-quality facilities while reducing overall costs. Please stop by our poster table to ask questions about our service. We have many units across campus utilizing our service and we are always willing to take on more.
      Track: Engagement and Outreach


    Fall 2015 IT Pro Forum Planning Committee

    Chair: Matt McNeilly
    Vice Chair: Noni Ledford

    • Lori Beeson
    • Amanda Bland
    • Lindy Carlisle
    • Michael Cervone
    • Judi Geistlinger
    • David Gerstenecker
    • Shane Greenarch
    • Jay Guelfi
    • Maranda Harden
    • Ashley Hetrick
    • Tony Hillen
    • Alice Jones
    • Candice Solomon-Strutz
    • Dena Strong
    • Rob Watson