Fall 2014 Conference

    The University’s mission statement paints a bold picture of how our institution combines knowledge production with knowledge application to improve people’s lives. The mission statement reads, “The University of Illinois will transform lives and serve society by educating, creating knowledge, and putting knowledge to work on a large scale and with excellence.” This conference aims to connect the mission and philosophy of the University to the daily efforts of those with boots on the ground.

    In Fall 2014 the ITPF Planning Committee invited proposals that connected IT pieces to the University’s larger commitment to excellence through one of four tracks:

    • Technical Expertise
    • Leadership and Vision
    • Education and Research
    • Engagement and Outreach

    Fall 2014 Schedule

    • 8:00 – 9:30 a.m.: Registration and Breakfast – Oustide of Chancellor Room
    • 9:45 – 10:00 a.m.: ITPF Welcome – (Change in Schedule, report to 10AM session location)
    • 10:00 – 10:45 a.m.
      • Bomgar: Weird Name for Great Remote Support Tool
        John Cowsert, AITS
        Ever wish you could support a remote Mac user with your Windows machine and see exactly what they see? Want to connect your new Linux machine to an old Windows machine? Ever been on the run and needed to support someone remotely using just your smartphone or tablet? Come and experience Bomgar as AITS demonstrates this powerful remote services tool.
        PDF link
        Track: Engagement and Outreach
      • From Entrepreneurial to Enterprise: IT Grows Up
        Nate Baxley, ATLAS; Rami Dass, ATLAS
        Many IT services at the University start out as small installations serving a few users. As services grow, they give up some of the run-and-gun approach of an entrepreneurial environment to gain the stability and service level of an enterprise service. We will discuss challenges and breakthroughs encountered while changing infrastructure, development, support, and culture as a service grows up.
        PDF link
        Track: Leadership and Vision
      • Research Data Service
        Heidi Imker, Library; William Mischo, Library
        The Research Data Service (RDS) is a pilot service established in 2014 to provide the Illinois research community with the expertise, tools, and infrastructure necessary to manage and steward research data. Headquartered in the University Library, the Research Data Service is a partnership between the Office of .the Vice Chancellor for Research, the Provost, the Library, GSLIS, CITES, and NCSA.
        PDF link
        Track: Education and Research
      • Urbana Campus Mobile Computing Initiatives – Let’s Collaborate!
        Jim Caputo, AITS; Amy Hovious, CITES; Robert Baird, CITES
        Mobile computing is here to stay and growing by leaps and bounds. There are collaborative efforts underway to identify and bring together mobile expertise across campus to share information, identify application needs and help grow and push the envelope on technology. Come learn how students are getting involved and how you can too!
        Track: Leadership and Vision
    • 11:00 – 11:45 a.m.
      • A Year of Cyberinfrastructure at Illinois
        Chuck Thompson, College of Engineering; Tracy Smith, CITES
        A Year of Cyberinfrastructure (“Year of CI”, http://cyberinfrastructure.illinois.edu/) has been funded by the OVCR and the OCIO to build awareness and understanding of what CI resources can do for faculty in all disciplines and to develop a plan for implementing additional campus CI resources. This session will provide details on planned activities and how IT Pros can engage with them.
        PDF link
        Track: Education and Research
      • AD Migration the Engineering IT Way
        Kathleen Booth, Engineering IT Shared Services
        The end of (UIUC) AD is coming…you’ll feel fine (in UofI). How to build an AD OU structure you want to live in for the next 10 years—and then move in.Tips, tricks, suggestions, and pitfalls from a department that has been heavily in UofI for 2 years.
        PDF link
        Track: Technical Expertise
      • Case Study: The Library and Data Center Shared Services
        Jason Strutz, Library
        In 2012, the Library began a project to consolidate its three server rooms into shared data center space. We will discuss the motivation for undertaking this project, the technical and strategic hurdles that had to be overcome, and the benefits realized so far.
        Track: Leadership and Vision
      • Completing the Puzzle: Bringing Mobile Devices into the Managed Picture
        Matthew Jones, CITES
        Worried about mobile devices in your department? Looking for a way to facilitate App purchases on personal devices? Join Matt Jones for a discussion of campus-wide Mobile Device Management (MDM) and the campus’s pilot solution. With MDM ITPros can manage devices and departments can purchase, install, and uninstall applications on personally owned devices. AirWatch representatives will be on hand.
        Track: Engagement and Outreach
      • Kaltura: It’s Here Now, No Really It Is
        Drew MacGregor, CITES; John Tubbs, College of Business
        “Not these guys again!? They’ve been selling a vision for a media engine for 3 years.” Yes, we have! But now we’re here to SHOW you what will roll out to campus in the next 12 months and how it will impact you. Come and see what your user base will be asking you about this year.
        Track: Education and Research]
      • Personal Touch from a Distance
        Matt McNeilly, FAA-IT; Sol Roberts-Lieb, FAA-IT
        As budgets decline, areas are consolidating small IT groups into larger units. The question often asked is ‘How do we keep the personal touch when IT isn’t just down the hall.” We will discuss FAA-IT’s approach for keeping in touch and provide time for you to create an adoption plan for one or more of these practices.
        Track: Engagement and Outreach
    • 11:45 – 1:00 p.m.: Vendors, Poster Sessions, Networking & Lunch, Illinois Ballroom
    • 1:00 – 1:45 p.m.
      • AITS Mobile Development Services: Let us help you be successful at mobile
        Jim Caputo, AITS; Sharon Zhu, AITS
        AITS Mobile Development Services develops mobile apps as well as smoke tests and deploys all university-related apps created by other departments. Come learn how we can assist with the design, construction, testing and deployment of your mobile apps and mobile-responsive websites. We’ll also share our development experiences with technologies such as Bluetooth beacons, the TestFlight testing tool, credit card payments and what we’ve learned from these efforts.
        Track: Leadership and Vision
      • Avoiding Project Management Pitfalls at the University of Illinois
        Noni Ledford, AITS; Kandance Turner-Jones, NCSA
        The key objective in project management is to complete your project successfully. That often means steering clear of the potholes in the road. This interactive presentation of common pitfalls helps you avoid some of the problems that plague unsuccessful projects at the University of Illinois. Come prepared to share pitfalls that you’ve experienced and if applicable, how you’ve overcame them.
        PDF link
        Track: Leadership and Vision
      • From Banner 8 to Banner XE
        Stephanie Dable, AITS; Brian Schoudel, AITS; Beth McCarter, AITS
        Have you heard of Banner XE? In this presentation, we will help you understand the difference between Banner 8 and Banner XE. We will also discuss some of the XE modules, and provide a demo of the Faculty Grade Entry module. Finally, we will discuss some of the technical aspects of XE, including architecture, APIs, extensibility, performance, and accessibility.
        PDF link
        Track: Technical Expertise
      • Search Party: Finding a Google Appliance Solution
        Leslie Sherman, OBFS; Melissa Rubik, OBFS; Srividya Ranganathan, OBFS; Shawn Lee, AITS
        This session will provide a case study of the Illinois Public Higher Education Procurement Bulletin search solution. During this case study, we will introduce and describe the Google Search Appliance and the capabilities we leveraged.
        PDF link
        Track: Technical Expertise
      • Wireless Data Expansion
        Craig Flowers, VetMed; Tracy Smith, CITES; Troy Gagne, CITES; Chuck Hayes, CITES
        Through funding provided by the campus and the colleges, CITES is in the process of upgrading wireless service throughout campus. Come learn about the status of the project as well as the process for evaluating and upgrading a building.
        Track: Education and Research
    • 2:00 – 2:45 p.m.
      • Credit Cards: About to become a relic of the past
        Marc Henkel, Treasury Operation; William Seeman, AITS
        With the release of new products like Apple Pay and the upcoming shift to EMV (aka chip and PIN), the way we use credit cards and mobile devices to pay will radically change in the near future. Come learn about how new technologies will not only make payments easier, but also more secure.
        Track: Technical Expertise
      • Dissecting Learning Spaces
        Candice Solomon-Strutz, CITES; Heidi Gharst, CITES
        Over the years there have been multiple remodels to learning spaces on our campus. Come listen and share as our panel presents case studies and survey data collected during several learning spaces remodels. The stories the panel has to share will present best practices and lessons learned in the process.
        PDF link
        Track: Education and Research
      • Elevator Speeches: Delivering your message when it counts
        Mike Bohlmann, College of Media; Chris Tidrick, University of Illinois Extension
        Being a large campus in a college town, we often find ourselves meeting students, faculty, department heads, and other leaders in random places inside and outside of work. These opportunities are a chance to build relationships, gather input, and pitch the latest IT service. Participants will learn and practice delivering a convincing message in a short amount of time.
        Track: Leadership and Vision
      • I am Virus Free and I Have a Skinny Footprint!
        Kara McElwrath, UIS; Jeff Sudduth, UIS
        Antivirus Day, Digital Footprint Challenge, Scavenger Hunts, Springfest Events, Alumni Lunch and Learn, Tech Day, Faculty Development Workshops. Join us as we discuss the events and activities we host at UIS to spread the word about our services and resources – and how they help us ensure our campus community has the information and skills they need.
        PDF link
        Track: Engagement and Outreach
      • Making Campus Mailing Lists Work for YOUR Users
        Eric Frahm, CITES; William Lassiter, CITES; Terry McLaren, CITES
        Engaging campus IT Professionals on how CITES Campus Mailing Lists can meet their needs, and how to support list owners on campus.
        PDF link
        Track: Engagement and Outreach
      • Open-Source, Web-Based Project: Universal System Manager for monitoring, control, and reporting
        Andrew Wadsworth, CITES; Tracy Whittaker, CITES; Rick McNeely, CITES; Yuriy Kuzma, CITES
        USM is a web-based system that was designed in-house to manage Audio-Visual (AV) equipment installed in classrooms and conference facilities across the University campus. This open-source software solution gives CITES staff the ability to consolidate equipment from multiple vendors using a single customizable web-based application.
        PDF link
        Track: Technical Expertise
    • 2:45 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.: Vendors, Poster Sessions, Networking & Break
    • 3:15 – 4:0 p.m.
      • CITES PaperCut for Departments
        Stephen Butler, CITES
        How CITES is running PaperCut to meet the needs of multiple departments on campus. Focuses will be on billing and departmental use cases.
        PDF link
        Track: Technical Expertise
      • Getting Your People Started with Video
        Rick Langlois, CITES
        We will provide you with the step-by-step process to help your clients get started producing and publishing their own UIUC-quality teaching and research videos.
        Track: Engagement and Outreach
      • IT Risk Management: Blank checks, escalation, and other scary stuff explained
        Chuck Geigner, Office of Privacy and Information Assurance
        I will explain in this presentation what the new risk management practices and procedures look like, what still needs to be done, what all our fancy new terminology means, why this is important to the University’s goals, how it is different than what we’ve done in the past, and how this lets us all sleep better at night.
        Track: Leadership and Vision
      • Scanning, Two-Factor, and Exposure – Security Tools
        Steve Gatses, Office of Privacy and Information Assurance; Larry Dunham, Office of Privacy and Information Assurance
        An introduction to new security tools offered by The Office of Privacy and Information Assurance, with a particular focus on vulnerability assessment, identifying your network’s exposure to the internet, and two-factor authentication.
        Track: Engagement and Outreach
      • SharePoint: More than document storage
        Sal Belahi, Engineering IT Shared Services
        Many IT Pros have heard of or may even be familiar with Microsoft SharePoint. Not many, however, know how to manipulate SharePoint beyond simple document storage for collaboration. In this workshop we’ll be covering some basic SharePoint tools and then delve deeper into more advanced topics such as resource allocation, advanced calendar functionality, workflows and more.
        Track: Technical Expertise
      • University KnowledgeBase: Solving your support puzzle
        Susan Flanagin, AITS; John Cowsert, AITS
        Need answers? Don’t know how to share it with your customers? Come see how the new University KnowledgeBase can add another piece to your support puzzle.
        PDF link
        Track: Engagement and Outreach
    • 4:15 – 4:30 p.m.: Closing & Prize Giveaways (must be present to win)
    • 4:30 p.m.: Networking at Houlihan’s (located in iHotel)

    Fall 2014 Poster Sessions

    • Advance Illinois | Transforming Advancement for the Future
      Heather Hafner, Advance Illinois Project; Mike Davis, Advance Illinois Project; Bruce Adams, Advance Illinois_Project
      A world-class University of Illinois advancement program is dependent on superior, function rich, integrated technology. The Advance Ilinois (AI) project will convert existing data and implement new technology to ensure completion of the project prior to the public phase of the next University-wide comprehensive campaign to begn in approximately 2017. The Blackbaud CRM implementation will replace the current FACTS legacy system and provide new software and additional functionality for the advancement community to support the tracking of donor and alumni data through a legacy data conversion, major gift prospect management, revenue tracking and reporting, annual fund solicitation, online communication and interaction, event management, volunteer and member management, and tracking of and reporting on key performance metrics.
      Track: Engagement and Outreach
    • Business Process Improvement Shared Service – Fall 2014
      Marc Carlton, University Administration; Amy Glenn, University Administration
      The poster will contain the following information: purpose of the Business Process Improvement (BPI) Shared Service; overview of the service offerings, including engagements, training and support; structure and composition of the team; examples of past and present projects. Handouts explaining the service offerings, outlining our upcoming training dates and providing examples of past and current projects will be available at the table.
      Track: Engagement and Outreach
    • CITES Remote Desktop Gateway
      Jon Gillen, CITES; Devin Gengelbach, CITES
      The CITES Remote Desktop Gateway service greatly simplifies connecting to Windows hosts from non-University networks._We will be providing information about the CITES Remote Desktop Gateway service, which should be particularly handy for IT Pros who work with Windows machines._ The public documentation page is here:_https://www.cites.illinois.edu/remotedesktop_ It’s essentially a Remote Desktop tunnel that allows IT Pros or users to access the Remote Desktop service on an Active Directory-joined Windows machine from non-University networks. It works well with every official Microsoft Remote Desktop client, including those on mobile devices.
      Track: [Track:_Technical Expertise
    • Data Center Shared Service (DCSS) – Fall 2014
      Jackie Kern, DCSS Operations Chair, Facilities and Services; Becky McNaught, DCSS Project Manager, AITS_
      Encourage engagement in the data center shared service effort across campus._We will be available to answer any questions about DCSS and the services we offer. This will allow us to socialize the campus effort that is called out in the campus IT strategic plan.
      Track: Engagement and Outreach
    • Email Footprint Challenge
      Brent West, Records and Information Management Services; Jordan Phoenix, Records and Information Management Services
      CITES and Records and Information Management Services (RIMS) are challenging Illinois faculty and staff to a friendly competition to see who can create the smallest email footprint by clearing out old messages. We are asking everyone to spend a little time deleting any unnecessary messages. RIMS will discuss the results of the previous competitions, highlight initial reduction information, and share results from the annual UIS Email Footprint Challenge and fourth annual OBFS Information Footprint Challenge.
      Track: Engagement and Outreach
    • Endpoint Management for all your devices
      Matthew Jones, CITES_
      Managing endpoints can feel like herding cats, but it doesn�t have to. Using endpoint management tools helps keep devices in your department organized, secure, and up-to-date. Learn how to stop chasing down devices and hand-patching by performing mass software installation and removal, in addition you can check for device compliance to become more efficient, in control, and knowledgeable about your department�s assets._We will have information regarding BigFix, Mobile Device management (Air-Watch), McAfee, and other services offered by the CITES Endpoint Management Group._
      Track: Engagement and Outreach
    • IlliniSpaces: Students Discovering You
      Stephen Butler, CITES
      There are many small and large locations on campus available for academic use that most students aren’t aware of. IlliniSpaces is a new application initially developed at the University of Washington that CITES is bringing to Illinois. We’d like to share some of the features and implementation details so that departments can come on board:_ 1. Basic overview of the application and who our audience is. Highlight some of the search and map features, the space details, and different feedback mechanisms for students._ 2. Discus a bit the architecture and how to contribute code. It is a Django 1.4 project running on Python 2.7 and gunicorn. Our code is forked from the UW-IT-ACA GitHub repository and also hosted on GitHub._ 3. Look at the admin interface for working with spaces. Discuss the stock attributes from UW that we implemented for this campus._ 4. Discuss some of the UIUC specific space attributes we added. Look at filtering spaces based on uiucEduType. Look at filtering spaces by matching a user’s University Housing mailing address._ 5. Talk about some future ideas we’ve had for expanding the service. Other attributes and instances we might implement.
      Track: Engagement and Outreach
    • Illinois Compass 2g: New and Enhanced Features to Facilitate Education and Collaboration
      Konstantinos Yfantis, CITES; Julie Wilson, CITES
      IT Professionals help support faculty, students and staff that use Illinois Compass 2g in their academic units and can benefit from this poster session by learning how the system can be help facilitate teaching and learning as well as help with research, committee work, training and other endeavors. They will be able to provide guidance to existing and potential new users about the system, connect them to resources on taking advantage of enhanced features along with improved support resources._ CITES launched the Compass 2g (powered by Blackboard Learn) service in November 2011. The service�s predecessor Illinois Compass (powered by Blackboard Vista) was retired in December 2012. CITES started providing Blackboard Mobile Learn as a free app for Illinois students, faculty and staff in Fall 2012. Integrations with publishers such as McGraw Hill Connect as well as others, Compass 2g makes it easy for student to access educational resources._ We plan to provide a synopsis of the service including new features, upcoming plans as well as an overview of the technical infrastructure. We will also illustrate the diverse support resources available to faculty, students and staff to help them use the service that include help desk services, individual and group consulting, scheduled and custom training, web-based tutorials, Lynda.com as well as the Blackboard YouTube channel._ The new features and enhancements for Summer 2014 include: ? Access to test logs for instructors ? Delegated and anonymous grading ? New options for tests: availability exceptions and feedback for students ? Plagiarism detection integrated into assignments ? User interface improvements: grade center and navigation_ We will solicit input by participants on how we can improve the service to help faculty, students and staff fulfill their teaching, learning, outreach missions._ Finally we will also discuss how we engage with faculty, staff and students on a regular basis via the Compass 2g Advisory Group to help us harmonize the service with their needs.
      Track: Education and Research
    • IT Manager Development Program
      Jim Hurst, Engineering IT Shared Services; Jake MacGregor, CITES; Gale Stafford, CITES
      The MGRdev program was created and piloted in 2013, after which the facilitation team did a full-fledged ITPF presentation which was well attended and received._ By the time of this Fall’s IT Pro Forum we will just have wrapped up the very successful 2014 Cohort of MGRdev and will be looking ahead to next year._ While a full-scale presentation was needed to introduce the program to the community, at this point we hope to become a well-known resource like the IT Leaders Workshop._ For this poster session the MGRdev Facilitation Team (7 people total) would staff the poster throughout the event to talk about the program and answer questions from interested parties._ A shortened, more flexible version of the content from our 2013 presentation would apply to this poster session:_ 1._ There is a high demand for manager_ training, particularly MGRdev, because of its quality of content and affordability. 2._ People in our_ IT Pro community want to know when the next session is and how to apply 3._ Our peers would also like to ask questions about what the training covers 4. The MGRdev faciltator team can also share participant feedback that identify the strengths and uniqueness of the program. 5._ We will describe the core management skills covered in the program, backed by research.
      Track: Leadership and Vision
    • SharePoint 2013 Upgrade
      Noni Ledford, AITS; Shawn Lee, AITS
      SharePoint is a tool for collaboration that helps groups of people (whether work teams or social groups) share information and work together. SharePoint sites are dynamic and interactive — members of the site can contribute their own ideas and content as well as comment on or contribute to other people’s sites. We’re upgrading the Production environment of SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013 as part of the enterprise shared service to the university.
      Track: Engagement and Outreach
    • START myResearch – Fall 2014
      Chris Bland, AITS; Sean Ireland, AITS
      START (Systemwide Tools for Administration of Research and Training) is the grants management software leveraging open source (Kuali Coeus) as well as University of Illinois developed software._ myResearch is the Principal Investigator (PI) portal that integrates and displays information from a number of different university systems. It provides faculty with access to the information they need to prepare, submit, route, and manage their grants._ Come visit us to learn about the new application that will handle RNUA (Report Non-University Activities) and FCOI (Financial Conflict of Interest) disclosures._ The myDisclosures Application will be available for the 2015 RNUA. We will also be demonstrating the newly released features of the myResearch Portal.
      Track: Engagement and Outreach
    • U of I Box
      Larry Gibson, AITS
      Are you tired of emailing files back and forth with your colleagues, while never knowing for sure which version is the most current? Do you need a simple, no-hassle way for your department or committee to quickly collaborate on documents?_Have you been looking for a secure method to share files with_colleagues_across your campus, or across institutions? Would you like to easily sync all of your important files between your desktop, laptop, smartphone, and iPad? If so, look no further than the new Illinois_Box.com_service.
      Track: [Track:Engagement and Outreach


    Fall 2014 IT Pro Forum Planning Committee

    Chair: Amanda Bland
    Vice Chair: Rob Watson
    Lori Beeson
    Mike Bohlmann
    Malinda Carlisle
    Judy Geistlinger
    Ed Glaser
    Shane Greenarch
    Jay Guelfi
    Maranda Harden
    Ashley Hetrick
    Tony Hillen
    Alice Jones
    Noni Ledford
    Kim Nguyen-Jahiel
    Matt McNeilly
    Candice Solomon-Strutz
    Dena Strong
    Melissa Whit

    Web Hosting

    *A special thank you to Rachel Buller & Todd Nelson from AITS who transitioned our website to SitePublish!*