Fall 2010 Conference

    Tuesday, November 16th, 2010
    8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
    iHotel and Conference Center

    The theme for this year’s IT Professionals Forum event is ‘Showcasing our Community’. This theme will focus on building our IT community from the foundation (blueprints), through the windows (gaining perspective), to the roof-top (leadership and strategic thinking). In addition the landscaping (effective use of emerging technologies and our environment) will be discussed.

    Fall 2010 Schedule

    • 7:30 – 9:00 a.m.: Registration, North Entrance of Conference Center
    • 8:00 – 8:45 a.m.
      • New IT Professional Orientation
        This session is designed for IT Professionals who are new to campus or those interested in an overview of IT on the Urbana campus. We’ll cover IT structures, processes, training, and available resources. This orientation is a great way to begin to network with your campus colleagues.
        PDF link
        Location: Technology Room
    • 8:45-8:55 a.m.: Welcome, Chancellor Ballroom
    • 9:00 – 9:45 a.m.
      • A Collaboration with Low Overhead and High Rewards
        Mona Heath, Office of the CIO; Sue Johnson, Beckman Institute; Jenn La Montagne, Computer Science; Tom Moone, Electrical and Computer Engineering; Phil Pochrzast, ATLAS; Judy Tolliver, Illinois Informatics Institute
        Eleven volunteers from different units and different sides of Green Street came together to produce www.it.illinois.edu to showcase Illinois technological excellence to prospective students, faculty, funders, and donors. In doing so, they produced something that none could have accomplished alone. They’ll discuss what made their collaboration work, and invite attendees to consider implications for their own future collaborations.
        PDF link
        Location: Alma Mater Room
        Track: Roof
      • Collaborating for Better Decisions Through Business Intelligence
        Michael Wonderlich AITS; Aaron Walz AITS
        This session will review the new Business Intelligence (BI) and Performance Management (PM) products and services from AITS-Decision Support. New BI products include OLAP cubes, which are a new way to analyze data for patterns and trends. Additional products include dashboards to provide easy-to-ready graphical presentations of data for quick understanding and instant assessment. Additional database environment improvements and an upcoming Business Objects upgrade will continue to enhance the existing products and services. We will provide a focus on the information IT Professionals require to support their users as they utilize these new products, but also describe how many of the techniques and development efforts from AITS-Decision Support may be used within the local units to incorporate local data with enterprise data.
        PDF link
        Location: Technology Room
        Track: Foundations
      • Exchange 2010: A Behind the Scenes Look
        Erik Coleman CITES; Devin Gengelbach CITES; Brent Tuggle CITES
        This session provides a “down to the rivets” view of Exchange 2010 as it is implemented so far at the university. We will look at storage architecture, server roles, database replication, mail flow, user provisioning, and take a peek at the new user experience.
        PDF link
        Location: Chancellor Ballroom
        Track: Foundations
      • Illinois Online Network: Teaching Online
        Scott Johnson, Illinois Online Network – U of I Online
        Illinois Online Network and the MVCR online faculty development program is an award winning university resource that has reached over 5,000 individuals, awarded the Master Online Teacher certificate to almost 500 educators, and had an impact on at least one million online learners. Presentation will summarize the ION/MVCR program.
        PDF link
        Location: Knowledge
        Track: Windows
      • The Blueprint for Illinois Compass
        Tracy Tolliver CITES; Alfred Weiss CITES
        Where we have been, where we are now, and where we are going with Illinois Compass.
        PDF link
        Location: Humanities
        Track: Foundations
    • 10:00 – 10:45 a.m.
      • A Collaboration with Low Overhead and High Rewards
        Mona Heath, Office of the CIO; Sue Johnson, Beckman Institute; Jenn La Montagne, Computer Science; Tom Moone, Electrical and Computer Engineering; Phil Pochrzast, ATLAS; Judy Tolliver, Illinois Informatics Institute
        Eleven volunteers from different units and different sides of Green Street came together to produce www.it.illinois.edu to showcase Illinois technological excellence to prospective students, faculty, funders, and donors. In doing so, they produced something that none could have accomplished alone. They’ll discuss what made their collaboration work, and invite attendees to consider implications for their own future collaborations.
        PDF link
        Location: Alma Mater Room
        Track: Roof
      • Collaborating for Better Decisions Through Business Intelligence
        Michael Wonderlich AITS; Aaron Walz AITS
        This session will review the new Business Intelligence (BI) and Performance Management (PM) products and services from AITS-Decision Support. New BI products include OLAP cubes, which are a new way to analyze data for patterns and trends. Additional products include dashboards to provide easy-to-ready graphical presentations of data for quick understanding and instant assessment. Additional database environment improvements and an upcoming Business Objects upgrade will continue to enhance the existing products and services. We will provide a focus on the information IT Professionals require to support their users as they utilize these new products, but also describe how many of the techniques and development efforts from AITS-Decision Support may be used within the local units to incorporate local data with enterprise data.
        PDF link
        Location: Technology Room
        Track: Foundations
      • Exchange 2010: A Behind the Scenes Look
        Erik Coleman CITES; Devin Gengelbach CITES; Brent Tuggle CITES
        This session provides a “down to the rivets” view of Exchange 2010 as it is implemented so far at the university. We will look at storage architecture, server roles, database replication, mail flow, user provisioning, and take a peek at the new user experience.
        PDF link
        Location: Chancellor Ballroom
        Track: Foundations
      • Illinois Online Network: Teaching Online
        Scott Johnson, Illinois Online Network – U of I Online
        Illinois Online Network and the MVCR online faculty development program is an award winning university resource that has reached over 5,000 individuals, awarded the Master Online Teacher certificate to almost 500 educators, and had an impact on at least one million online learners. Presentation will summarize the ION/MVCR program.
        PDF link
        Location: Knowledge
        Track: Windows
      • The Blueprint for Illinois Compass
        Tracy Tolliver CITES; Alfred Weiss CITES
        Where we have been, where we are now, and where we are going with Illinois Compass.
        PDF link
        Location: Humanities
        Track: Foundations
    • 10:45 – 12:45 p.m.: Vendors, Poster Sessions, Networking & Lunch
    • 12:45 – 1:30 p.m.
      • Data Feeds and the Library: What we’ve learned
        Jonathan Gorman Library IT
        The Library consumes and produces a variety of information to serve the campus and our partners. This presentation will cover the sources of information, authorizing users for services, charging fines and for services, and how we purchase materials with our datafeeds. The talk will also describe the Library’s evolution from awkward kludges to a more cohesive system of perl scripts.
        PDF link
        Location: Knowledge
        Track: Foundations
      • Illinois Web Accessibility: Where We Stand and Where We Need To Go
        Jon Gunderson DRES
        This presentation will provide information on the status of web accessibility of campus web sites including information about the accessibility of Adobe PDF documents. The presentation will highlight the campus improvements in accessibility that have been made over the past two years as part of the Provost IT Accessibility initiative and the accessibility challenges that still need to be addressed.
        PDF link
        Location: Humanities
        Track: Roof
      • Integration Competency Center – Providing Efficient and Effective Access to Enterprise Data
        Marc Carlton AITS; Suzanne Zelle AITS
        The Integration Competency Center (ICC) provides assistance to University IT organizations and project teams seeking to integrate their systems with one of the many University Enterprise Data Systems (i.e. Banner, EAS, etc.). ICC can provide assistance with design, development, coordination and testing of integrations. This presentation will provide an overview of the ICC and what it has to offer.
        PDF link
        Location: Alma Mater Room
        Track: Windows
      • Introducing the Illinois Center for Multimedia Excellence
        Drew MacGregor, Jack Brighton, Colleen Cook, & John Tubbs
        Rich media collaboration has taken many forms at Illinois over the years, and we are now formalizing this collaboration with the creation of the Center for Multimedia Excellence. With the goal of ‘less talk, more action’ we are collaborating on Content Creation, Distribution, Archiving, Accessibility and Standards. The CME is open to anyone interested in making Illinois multimedia more efficient.
        PDF link
        Location: Technology Room
        Track: Windows
      • University Identity and Access Management Solutions – Current Vision and Status
        Charley Kline CITES; Amin Kassem AITS; Erik Hege Library and Information Science
        The UTMT has chartered a major effort to reimagine, reunify, and reimplement identity and access management solutions across the entire university. Charley, Amin, and Erik have done most of the early project development and architectural envisioning for this unified solution, and will discuss the current problem space, requirements gathering, and vision for the final product.
        PDF link
        Location: Chancellor Ballroom
        Track: Foundations
    • 1:45 – 2:30 p.m.
      • AITS EAI Enterprise Services – Providing Infrastructure to Support Enterprise System Integrations
        Russell Chalfant AITS
        Enterprise data integrations provide new and updated Enterprise data in a near real-time manner, as well as, the ability to query data with minimal interdependencies between systems. AITS has adopted various methods for integration including OpenEAI methodology, Web Services, and batch processing. In this presentation, we review the components that provide a stable, efficient and available infrastructure for deploying and maintaining the data integrations.
        PDF link
        Location: Technology Room
        Track: Foundations
      • Creating Innovative Work Groups Through Developing a Climate and Culture for Innovation
        Gale Stafford CITES
        Managers and other group leaders could encourage the right kinds of innovation in campus IT through creating a group work climate that supports innovation. We’ll review recent research on innovative work groups. And we’ll consider a meta-analysis of 42 studies showing 3 climate factors critical for innovation. Our discussion will center on: what can managers do to change the climate?
        PDF link
        Location: Alma Mater Room
        Track: Roof
      • Digital Signage as a Campus-Level Service
        Thomas Kunka CITES; Brian Damm Housing; Brock Umland Housing
        Even as mobile computing grows in ubiquity, use of digital signage for campus communication is fast becoming a topic of importance for IT professionals. Representatives from CITES will discuss their campus-wide digital signage service including participants, benefits, service architecture, financial model, security, and other key issues. University Housing will be present to provide a brief overview of their deployment experiences and future plans.
        PDF link
        Location: Knowledge
        Track: Curb Appeal
      • LAS Online: Reinventing the Academic Enterprise
        Jim Witte ATLAS; Deanna Raineri ATLAS
        How does online make sense for a residential institution like the U of I? Hear about the challenges and opportunities we’ve faced as the ATLAS has developed and carried out strategic initiatives to support changes in how teaching & learning is done in LAS.
        PDF link
        Location: Humanities
        Track: Windows
      • Urbana-Champaign Big Broadband (UC2B) Update
        Mike Smeltzer CITES; Tracy Smith CITES
        Urbana-Champaign Big Broadband (UC2B) seeks to vastly improve the residential and business connectivity options in the local community with a shared fiber infrastructure. Now that the $29.4 million project has been funded, what comes next and how will this project affect University students, faculty and staff?
        PDF link
        Location: Chancellor Ballroom
        Track: Curb Appeal
    • 2:30-3:15 p.m.: Networking break
    • 3:15 – 4:00 p.m.
      • Change and Configuration Management at AITS
        Sheheryar Muftee AITS
        Discuss and present the Change and Configuration Management process at AITS and the utilization of the Computer Associates (CA) Service Desk Manager and CA CMDB applications. The Change and Configuration Management process governs changes made to all AITS maintained Enterprise Services that include changes to Software Applications, Servers, Databases, Batch Processes, Storage and Infrastructure. Presentation will discuss the high level process and demonstrate the technology used to implement it at AITS.
        PDF link
        Location: Humanities
        Track: Foundations
      • Making Decisions About the Future of Learning Environments at Illinois
        Glenda Morgan Office of the CIO
        In the presentation we describe the process underway to gather input into and to make decisions about the future of learning environments at Illinois. these include but are not limited to Learning Management Systems such as Compass, Moodle and Lon-CAPA. We describe the process and seek additional IT Pro input on both the process and the outcome.
        Location: Knowledge
        Track: Windows
      • Opportunities in Developing Leadership Skills & Overcoming Challenges in Applying Them
        Kostas Yfantis CITES; Chris Kuehn CITES, Julia Stackler Creative Services; Kristin Cordova AITS; Craig Jackson LAS; Kathy Lyons CITES
        Panelists will share their experience participating in programs that focus on managing resources and cultivating leadership skills. Programs to be reviewed range from Educause Institute’s Management Program to the Mor IT Leadership Program to the Professional MBA degree offered by our University. The focus for the panelists will be in illustrating how they applied the skills gained to enhance the performance of their organizations and in engaging with the audience to discuss how to pursue these career-advancing opportunities.
        PDF link
        Location: Chancellor Ballroom
        Track: Roof
      • Sharing SharePoint
        Serge Krasavin Watercampws
        The Sharepoint portal video capabilities are important at many educational organizations because they enable researches and instructors to reach large audiences and deliver important and relevant information at a very low cost. The presentation is about the Watercampws journey to a Sharepoint video portal on a tight budget.
        PDF link
        Location: Alma Mater Room
        Track: Windows
      • Web@Illinois: Doing web better
        Mike Bohlmann Office of Technology Management
        During the last 15 years, society’s understanding of the web has expanded to the idea that people and not just organizations need to publish quickly and easily to the web. As we work to coordinate our organizational efforts, we must also improve how empower people to publish on the web. This session provides an update on the Web@Illinois project.
        PDF link
        Location: Technology Room
        Track: Curb Appeal
    • 4:15 – 5:00 p.m.
      • Campus Unified Communications Theory and Practice
        Charley Kline CITES; Tony Rimovsky CITES
        The campus is about to embark on a large effort to replace existing email, telephone, and other communications systems with a single Unified Communications solution. Charley and Tony will recap the vision, architecture, and current plans for this program.
        PDF link
        Location: Chancellor Ballroom
        Track: Foundations

    Fall 2010 Poster Sessions

    • Access Restriction for Streaming Media
      Tim Sandholm ATLAS; Mike Edwards ATLAS
      ATLAS’s straightforward and robust method for restricting access of streaming media to lists of individuals, active directory groups, or to anyone on campus as a whole.
      Track: Roof
    • Changes in UIUC SSL certificate services
      Amy Colaluca CITES
      The InCommon Federation has launched a new InCommon Certificate Service, which provides the higher education institutions with unlimited server and personal certificates at one fixed annual fee. InCommon is offering this service through a partnership with vendor Comodo CA Ltd. UIUC will be switching from its current SSL vendor, Thawte, to this new service.
      Track: Foundations
    • Community Source – What’s Happening in Our Neighborhood?
      Stephanie Dable AITS; Gabe Gibson Physics; Ryan ThomasEducation; Adam VanDuyne ACES; Nyle Bolliger AITS
      Do you know what applications and reports your neighbors are developing? Would you like to leverage the collective expertise of units across the campus and share your great ideas for new applications? Stop by to learn about the Community Source efforts and to provide your feedback on what you would like to see happen in the future and how you can get involved.
      Track: Windows
    • Connecting Researchers to Resources
      Mike Bohlmann
      The Research Technology Facilitator (RTF) role has been designed to help researchers identify and connect to the resources they need for their research. While many researchers have a number of resources available to them in their home unit, many more are available across campus and off-campus. RTFs help them navigate this complex landscape.
      Track: Roof
    • IPv6 on Campus: The Gory Details
      Ryan Harden CITES; Mary Stevens CITES
      IPv6 is the next generation of Internet addressing. This talk covers more in depth topics relating to security, tunnels and how IPv6 may already be impacting your network today. We recommend attending the ‘An Introduction to IPv6 on the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Campus’ session or have moderate knowledge of IPv6 addressing concepts.
      Track: Roof
    • Leveraging IT Governance and a PMO to Facilitate Success
      Kelly Block AITS; Gabe Gibson Physics; Ryan Thomas Education; Michele Raupp Public Affairs
      Join us to engage in discussion and share ideas regarding how IT governance techniques can be utilized to share expertise, encourage collaboration, enable decision-making, and leverage resources for shared benefits. The session also focuses using a Project/Portfolio Management Office to provide standards, tools, and assistance for managing projects.
      Track: Roof
    • Preparing future librarians for challenges in new media and social network technologies
      Karla Lucht GSLIS; Laksamee Putnam GSLIS; Samanatha Wittenburg GSLIS; Adam Rusch GSLIS
      In order to better reach patrons, libraries today are making use of new media and social network technologies to market themselves and explain the services they offer. This poster examines a series of workshops at the University of Illinois designed to help future librarians understand how to take advantage of these new tools and techniques.
      Track: Curb Appeal
    • Project Management Certification
      Liezl Bowman Illinois Business Consulting
      Illinois Business Consulting (IBC) is a registered educational provider for the Project Management Institute (PMI). IBC is offering an online project management certification exam prep course to help IT professionals study for and pass the PMP exam.
      Track: Foundations
    • So you’re a Unit Security Contact (USC)
      Sheila Brown AITS; Deborah Coggins AITS; Kyle Ellis AITS; Carol Burger-Preston AITS
      The poster session will highlight USC roles and responsibilities (e.g. annual user access review, how USC are appointed by Dean/Directors/Dept. Heads, verifying users’ FEPRA training, users have signed Information Compliance Form on file, weekly terminated employee notification). Provide contact information related to who USCs can and should contact when they have questions and issues related to user access requests. A meet and greet opportunity for USCs and AITS Security Admin staff. We are deciding if we want to invite a few our USCs to be on hand incase other USCs would want to want talk directly to another USC.
      Track: Curb Appeal


    Planning & Programming Committee

    • Candice Solomon-Strutz
    • Craig Jackson
    • Dena Strong
    • Gabriel Gibson
    • Gary Bernstein
    • Joe Tek Yun
    • Julia Hart
    • Kathryn Courtney
    • Kelly Bridgewater
    • Konstantinos Yfantis – Chair
    • Kristin Cordova
    • Lori Beeson
    • Theodore Myhre

    Production Team for the ‘IT Professionals Forum 2010 – Promo’ Video

    • Ed Glaser
    • Joe Tek Yun
    • Tim Jenvey


    • Nate Baxley
    • Yury Borukhovich

    Website Graphics

    • Laura Hayden
    • Julia Hart

    Web Hosting

    • Jackie Kern
    • Sandra Thompson